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Automatization of the SEN-et SNAP plugin for multi-temporal analysis


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Automatization of the SEN-et SNAP plugin for multi-temporal analysis


The SEN-ET project has been founded for ESA with the main object to "develop an optimal methodology for estimating evapotranspiration at fine (tens of meters) spatial scale, based on synergistic use of Sentinel 2 and Sentinel 3 satellites’ observations" as reported by the website of the project.

The plugin is mainly thought for use inside SNAP, so a manual operation where the user has to make the different operations manually. However, also the python scripts for the operation have been released. The scope of this repository is to create the possibility to automatize the process, allowing the computation of multiple days without the manual input of the operator. So, it is possible to compute monthly means on an area of interest.

The original schema for the plugin is represented in the image below:

OLD SEN-ET plugin

The automation process reduces it to one step and presents this schema:

New short sen-et


It is needed to have installed SNAP (with Python 3.6) and the SEN-ET plugin as indicated in the official plugin documentation in Section 3.2. In case of troubleshooting, see Section 3.4.

The code and the plugin have been tested only with SNAP 8.

The suggested version of python to be used for Windows is the 3.6.8, it should be downloaded before the installation of SNAP. The installer could be downloaded here.

At the first start, it is needed to run an operator to complete the bundle installation as indicated in the documentation:

The first time any of the Sen-ET operators is run the user will receive a SNAP - Warning message about path not existing. After clicking OK another dialog will appear asking user if they want to proceed with bundle download/installation (Figure 3.4). After clicking "Yes" the download and installation of the plugin bundle (the self-contained Python environment) will happen automatically. When the bundle installation finishes, a message will notify of the successful installation of the bundle. The Sen-ET SNAP plugin is installed and ready for use.

The installation and the test that everything is working will be done in the step of the download of the ERA5 Data. This will be later explained.

For Windows computers, it is also needed to install the Git Bash terminal provided with the installation of Git.

Download the code in the terminal with

git clone

Data download

ECMWF Reanalysis v5 (ERA5) Data

The download of the ERA5 data could be done in multiple ways. The suggested one is with the use of the SEN-ET plugin inside SNAP. This will test that the plugin is correctly working.

For the download, it is needed to have an account for the Climate Data Store (CDS) of the Copernicus Climate Change Service. The account could be created for free here.

Then, it is needed to log in to the page and follow the instruction for the API configuration of the CDS. It is needed only to create the file .cdsapirc and NOT to install the API client using pip.

Now, open SNAP and open the function Download ECMWF ERA5 reanalysis data at Optical > Thematical Land Processing > SEN-ET. Insert the parameters Area of Interest and the first and last date of the analysis period, in the Processing Parameters tab, following the instruction and keep all the flags on the element to be downloaded. Finally, insert the path for the download of the file with the data and name it as and click Run. The processing and the request of the data for one month request around one hour, but it is possible to check the status of the request on the CDS.

Sentinel Images

For the download of the Sentinel Images, it is suggested to use the Copernicus Open Access Hub because most of the images are offline, so not available immediately but only after some hours. Create an account here, and then it is possible to search the images and start the product retrieval, adding them into the cart.

The images request needs to be of the product type:

  • Sentinel 2: S2MSI2A
  • Sentinel 3: SL_2_LST____

That option could be added in the filters, zoom to the area of interest and drawn a rectangular in the area. Open the filter panel and add in the sensing date, the timespan of interest for your analysis, and the desired timespan. Using the preview, it is also possible to check the cloud coverage visually.

Folder structure

Once the data are downloaded, it is needed to organize them in a specific way. An analysis of the data for one month will produce products for around 500 GB. The main folder that could be named as preferred, in the schema below MAIN_FOLDER. One folder for each type of data is called era, S2 and S3. Inside the S2 and S3 folders, a folder for each of the days of the images, the folder should be named in this format YYYY_MM_DD.

Once the structure has been created, the and the images should be moved to the correct folder. Also, it is needed to unzip the images. As example:

│   └
│   └───2019_08_06
│       ├
│       │
│       └───S2A_MSIL2A_20190806T095031_N0213_R079_T33TWF_20190806T114240.SAFE
│           │   INSPIRE.xml
│           │
│           │   MTD_MSIL2A.xml
│           │
│           ├───AUX_DATA
│           ├───DATASTRIP
│           ├───GRANULE
│           └───rep_info

Set the parameters

Set the parameters in the file parameters.json:

  • Set the coordinates of the Area Of Interest (AOI), which could be the portion of the Sentinel 2 images or a bigger area; it is used to cut the Sentinel 3 images and improve the speed of the computation.
  • The absolute path indicated by MAIN_FOLDER in the previous schema should be inserted in the general_path variable. In the example, the MAIN_FOLDER absolute path is "D:\\TEMP\\".
  • The path into the senet_folder variable. The senet_folder is something like "C:\\Users\\user\\.snap\\auxdata\\sen-et-conda-Win64".
  • It is also possible to modify all the default computational parameters, as explained in Section 3.3 of the official guide. The only parameter that should be modified is the timezone of the area.

Run the code

In a terminal run (for Windows use the Git bash terminal):


Correction of errors

In the official code repository, the graphs present some errors due to some changes in the new versions of SNAP. To fix the errors, the new version of the graph is present in the folder graph.


The official code of SNAP is released with GNU General Public License v3.0 by the original authors and as reported in the plugin code repository.

The code for the automatization of the process is also released by Lorenzo Stucchi with GNU General Public License v3.0.