This project is a minimalistic CLI app which can apply different filters to BMP images. It is able to work with 24-bit BMPs with BITMAPINFOHEADER DIB header.
You can build the project from source using cmake. Here is an example build using Ninja build system:
cmake -S . -B build -G Ninja
cmake build -B build -G Ninja
ninja -C build
The program usage format is
image_processor {input_filename} {output_filename} [-{filter_1} [filter_param_1] [filter_param_2] ...[-{filter_2} [filter_param_1] [filter_param_2] ...]
Running the program without arguments will show you the help message containing the list of available filters
This is a CLI app for applying various filters to BMP images. Usage format:
image_processor {input_filename} {output_filename} [-{filter_1} [filter_param_1][filter_param_2] ...] [-{filter_2} [filter_param_1] [filter_param_2] ...]
List of supported filters:
-crop {width} {height} Crop the image leaving the top-left part of it
-edge {threshold} Highlight the borders of the image. Pixels with values higher than the {threshold} will be colored white, others - black
-gs Convert the image into shades of gray
-neg Convert the image into its negative
-nostalg Apply a nostalgic, yellowish filter to the image
-sharp Increase sharpness of the image