provide a "strapi client SDK" wrapped some common request api service functions and strapi types support for strapi based frontend apps, and provide some key typescript types hint help, which is something that is not yet officially implemented by strapi[1] [2]
data types were generated by types-4-strapi, but some types need some manual correction, like "createdAt", "updatedAt", etc..
see also strapi, typescript
npm install strapi-common-api axios qs -s
yarn add strapi-common-api axios qs
you can create your customized strapi client like this, the key types were wrapped in functions below, declare the type of the entity generated by types-4-strapi to get the correct type prompt information
import {createStrapiClient} from "strapi-common-api";
import {Post} from "./Post";
const {
} = createStrapiClient("http://localhost:1337/api", {/* some axios config */})
// customize your client
strapiClient.interceptors.request.use(config => config)
collection.getMany<Post>('posts', {
populate: ["comments"],
fields: ["user", "content"]
besides strapi client, you can also use these function directly like this.
but at first remember to override strapi request instance, which based on axios module, you can customize your interceptors (such as add jwt token before request) or some other params (such as base url)
import {auth, collection, single, strapiRequest} from "strapi-common-api"
import {Post} from "./Post";
import {Global} from "./Global";
// override your strapi api url like this
strapiRequest.defaults.baseURL = "http://localhost:1337/api"// defalut base url value
// here your editor will give you some hints on params and return data
auth.login({identifier, password})
.then(({user, jwt}) => {
// do something ...
collection.getMany<Post>("posts", {
filters: {
title: {
$eq: "test"
populate: {// support multi-level populate
user: {
populate: ["avatar"]
}).then(({data, meta}) => {
// do something ...
single.get<Global>("global").then(r => {
// do something ...
- getMany
get many resources
type – strapi content-type name
query – strapi query object
- getOne
get one resource
type – strapi content-type name
id – resources id
query – strapi query object
- post
add one resource
type – strapi content-type name
data – post data
query – strapi query object
- put
put one resource
type – strapi content-type name
id – resource id
data – post data
query – strapi query object
- remove
remove one resource
type – strapi content-type name
id – resource id
query – strapi query object
- get
- put
- remove
- login
- register
- forgotPassword
- resetPassword
- changePassword
- sendEmailConfirm
- emailConfirm
your IDE will give some hints when coding objects of these types, like this
err... there are too many types exported, here only introduce some key types
strapi populate object type
import {Populate} from "strapi-common-api";
import {Post} from "./Post";
type P = Populate<Post>
// common populate
const p1: P = "deep"
const p2: P = ["deep", 10]
const p3: P = 10
const p4: P = "*"
const p5: P = ["user", "comments"]
const p6: P = {
// multi level populate
user: {
populate: "*"
comments: {
populate: ["user", "post", "comment_votes"]
// deep populate
post_likes: {
populate: {
user: {
populate: "*"
const p7: P = {
comments: "*",
post_votes: "*",
user: "*",
post_likes: {
populate: ["user"]
strapi filters object type
import {Filters} from "strapi-common-api";
import {Post} from "./Post";
type F = Filters<Post>
const f1: F = {
// common field
content: {
$contains: "haha"
// relation field
user: {
username: {
$eq: "littlebadbad",
$null: true,
$containsi: "little",
$startsWith: "l"
// array relation field
comments: {
content: {
$startsWith: "haha"
user: {
username: {
$startsWith: "l"
// logical operator filter
$and: [
{content: {$contains: "hello"}},
{title: {$contains: "hi"}}
$not: {
user: {
username: {
$startsWith: "a"
strapi sort object type
import {Sort} from "strapi-common-api";
import {Post} from "./Post";
type S = Sort<Post>
const s1: S = "content"
const s2: S = ["content", "id"]
const s3: S = {
content: "DESC",
title: "ASC"
const s4: S = [
content: "DESC"
title: "ASC"
query object followed by each strapi url, use qs
library to stringify it, schema of query object follows
the strapi api parameters
includes: locale, filters, publicationState, pagination, sort, fields, populate
// Post type was generated by types-4-strapi
import {Post} from "./Post";
import {Query, Payload} from "strapi-common-api"
export function getPosts(query?: Query<Post>): Promise<Payload<Post[]>> {
return strapiRequest.get(`/posts?${qs.stringify(query, {encodeValuesOnly: true})}`)
.then(r =>
// here your editor will give you some type hints
filters: {
title: {$contains: "test"}
populate: ["user"],
sort: ["updatedAt"]