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🌱 Rucola

github License: GPL v3 test status commit status rust ratatui

Terminal-based browser and information aggregator for markdown file structures.


This is a work-in-progress hobby project. All features described on this page are functional, but many are still lacking and bugs may appear frequently.



  • Target audience: Users of a zettelkasten-style note system of interlinked markdown notes.
  • Present the user with high-level information & statistics about their entire note set.
  • Show the same information about filtered subsets of notes, as well as their relation with the entire note set.
  • Allow the user to view link and backlink as well as statistical information about a single note.
  • Allow the user to make small edits (such as renaming or changing tags) from within the application, and open the note in more sophisticated, user-specified editors and viewers.
  • Provide all of this functionality without leaving the terminal.


Currently, the only way to use this program is to clone this repository with

 git clone

and install it via

 cargo install --path .

For the future, a downloadable binary (for Windows) and releases to the AUR and Nix package registry are planned.


Rucola can be launched from the command line (rucola). If no further arguments are given, rucola will open the notes in your default vault directory (specified in your config file). This allows you to access your main vault of notes from anywhere in your file structure. If no default vault is know yet, rucola will open in the current directory. If you want to open a directory different from your default vault, you can pass the target as a positional argument, e.g. rucola . or rucola ~/other/stuff.

Select Screen

Rucola initially launches into the select screen. Here you will find an (unordered) list overview of all notes currently indexed by rucola, some statistics and a search bar. The indexing finds only files with a select set of file extensions and respects your .gitignore file if present. At the top, there are two blocks of statistics, referring to two environments:

  • The global environment consists of all notes currently indexed by rucola and can only be changed by restarting the program (or directly changing your files and reloading the screen).
  • The local environment consists of all notes currently matching your search query.


The following statistics are shown for the environment:

  • The total number of notes contained.
  • The total number of words & characters in those notes.
  • The total number of (unique) tags used in those notes.
  • The number of broken links, i.e. links for which no target note could be found in the indexed structure.
  • For the global environment, the total number of links between notes.
  • For the local environemnt, links are again split up in three groups that can be used to judge how well-connected your local environment is in the set of all your notes:
    • Internal links have both source and target in the local envinroment.
    • Incoming links have their (valid) target in the local environment and a source in the global environment (may also be in the local environment).
    • Outgoing links have their source in the local environment and a (valid) target in the global environment (may also be in the local environment).

For the local statistics, all value are accompanied by a percentage value comparing it to the equivalent stat of the global environment.

Additionally, the following statistics are shown for every note in the filtered list:

  • The name.
  • The number of words & characters in the note.
  • The number of global outlinks, i.e. links that start in that node and have a valid target.
  • The number of local outlinks, i.e. global outlinks whose target is in the local environment.
  • The number of global inlinks, i.e. links from other notes whose target is that one.
  • The number of local inlinks, i.e. links from other notes within the local environment whose target is that one.

These statistics let you judge how well-connected a note is, and wether it is mostly relevant within the filtered context or in general.

You can configure which statistics block are shown at which time.


The filtering works by a default fuzzy matcher. In addition, you can include condition words to search for notes fulfilling certain conditions. A condition always starts with an identifier and goes to the next whitespace.

  • #[tag] declares a tag condition: Only notes with the given tag [tag] will be shown. Here you can use nested tags: A note tagged as #math/topology can be found by both the conditions #math and #math/topology, but not by #topology itself.
  • !#[tag] declares a tag exclusion condition: Only notes without the given tag [tag] will be shown. Nested tags apply as above.
  • >[note] declares a link condition: Only notes that contain a link to the note [note] will be shown. For notes whose name contains a whitespace, replace it with -.
  • !>[note] declares a link exclusion condition: Only notes that do not link to the note [note] will be shown.
  • <[note] declares a backlink condition: Only notes that are linked to from the note [note] will be shown. For notes whose name contains a whitespace, replace it with -.
  • !<[note] declares a backlink exclusion condition: Only notes that are not linked to from the note [note] will be shown.

Only words not starting with any of these identifiers will be used in the fuzzy match. The order of these conditions words and fuzzy-matching words can be freely chosen.

For example, the filter string #math !#math/topology >Topology map shows all notes that are tagged as #math (or any nested subtag such as #math/geometry), not tagged with the nested tag #math/topology but still link to the Topology note and whose title contains some variation of map.

File Management

From the select view, you can access a couple of file management options for your notes:

  • Create a new note. If it has a valid note file extension (as defined in your config) and does not fall under the rules of your .gitignore file (if present), the note will then be added to the index.
  • Delete the selected note.
  • Rename the selected note. Your input cannot be a path, i.e. this cannot move the underlying file to a new location but only rename the existing file in its current location. You can however set a new extension, if no new extension is given the old extension will be reused. This will update links in other indexed files to point to the new location. If the new name has a non-note file extension (as defined in your config) or causes the file to fall under the rules of your .gitignore file (if present), the note will be removed from the index.
  • Move the selected to another location relative to your current vault path. If the input ends with a /, the path will be interpreted as a folder and the note, retaining its current name, will be moved into that folder. Otherwise, the input will be interpreted as a file location and the note moved there (and appropriately renamed to the last component of the path) while updating links in other indexed notes to point to the new location. In both cases, if there is no extension given and non-extension are not allowed per your config file, the original extension will be attached. If the move causes the note to end up with a non-note file extension (as defined in your config) or causes the file to fall under the rules of your .gitignore file (if present), the note will be removed from the index.
  • Edit the note in your configured text editor (such as a terminal based editor like vim or helix, or even obsidian). The used editor can be configured in the config file, if none is given, rucola defaults to your systems $EDITOR variable.
  • Reload the vault from the disk, in case you have made external changes. When opening a note as described in the previous point, rucola will automatically reload that (and only that note), so this feature should not be neccessary to often.
  • View the currently selected notes HTML representation in an external viewer.

Additionally, rucola permanently tracks all file changes made through the program itself and by all external means and tries to keep the index up to date. This includes edits to notes (updates links, word count, ...), moves & renames, creations and deletions. This feature is currently untested on Windows. Feel free to let me know if you are a Windows user on what works and what doesn't.

Display Screen

The display screen shows a number of statistics about a single note:

  • Word count
  • Character count
  • Tags
  • Path

But more importantly, displays for that note lists of...

  • all links, i.e. notes linked to directly from the main note.
  • all level 2 links, i.e. notes linked to from notes that are in the links list.
  • all backlinks, i.e. notes that link directly to the main note.
  • all level 2 backlinks, i.e. notes linking to notes in the backlinks list.

This allows to you to get an overview about a note's connections in your network, and maybe find inspiration or unexpected correlations.

You can follow the links to given notes, and go back in your journey to previously visited notes.

Also, you can open the note in an external editor or view, converted to HTML in an external viewer.

HTML conversion

Rucola can convert markdown notes to HTML documents, which are stored in the .html subfolder of your vault directory. This feature uses comrak for the markdown-HTML conversion and supports most of the usual markdown syntax. This is especially useful for notes that are difficult to read, for example because they contain lots of LaTeX code or tables - or simply because you prefer a more clean look. HTML files are automatically prepended with a .css-stylesheet reference if you have configured a source CSS-file, and with a MathJax-preamble if they contain LaTeX-blocks (with either $...$ or $$...$$). Also, you can perform small-scale string replacements in math mode, for example replacing \field with \mathbb to write fields more semantically clearly.

You can view a single HTML file from the select screen or the display screen. The file will be openend with the configured viewer (usually outside your terminal).


Configuration files are - on Linux - stored in XDG_CONFIGHOME/rucola, which is usually ~/.config/rucola.

Here is a list of all possible configuration settings:

  • vault_path is the path to your default vault that will be used by rucola unless overwritten by a command line positional argument.
  • file_types lists all types of files to be indexed by rucola when opening a folder. Per default, this is set to ["markdown"], tracking files with the extions .md, .markdown, ... A full list of available file types can be found here. It is currently not possible to define your own file types.
  • default_extension is the extension appended to notes created by rucola, .md by default.
  • theme is the name of the .toml-theme file to configure rucola's visual appearance.
  • stats_show is set to Both by default and configures which statistics blocks are shown at which time on the select screen. It can have one of three values:
    • Both: Both global and local stats are always shown.
    • Local: Only local stats are shown always, global stats are shown never. Note that you can still see the same values as global stats when using an empty filter.
    • Relevant: When you have no filter set, the global stats are shown. Otherwise, local stats are shown. This setting therefore avoids showing duplicating stats at all times.
  • editor configures the command to edit your notes. This can be a terminal application or an external application.
  • viewer configures the command for your HTML viewing application (I use google-chrome-stable). If unconfigured, tries to use your systems default application for HTML files. The following configuration options manage the HTML files created by rucola:
  • enable_html is set to true by default, causing all your notes to be converted to HTML files on program start and for those HTMLs to be continuously kept up-to-date in case of file changes. Set to false to never create HTMLs in the background. HTMLs can still be created by choosing the view option on a single file, in which case this file - and only this file, in particular none of the files linked from it - will be converted.
  • mathjax is set to true by default, but can be set to false to never prepend a MathJax preamble to HTML files. While set to true, the preamble is only appended if math blocks (delimited by $...$ and $$...$$ are detected).
  • math_replacments is a vector of pairs of strings. In math mode, every appearance of the first string will be replaced by the second one. The default replaces field with mathbb and lieagl with mathfrak as an example for the TOML syntax and the general idea of using semantically valuable string replacements to make your LaTeX code clearer.
  • css is the name of your css style sheet (in your rucola config folder). The .css file extension can be omitted. If not set, no css file will be added to your HTML files.
  • html_prepend can contain any text you want to prepend to all your HTML files in addition to the mathjax, css and title tags/scripts.


Rucola is implemented using the ratatui framework in Rust.


Rucola is released under the GNU General Public License v3.

Copyright (C) 2024 Linus Mußmächer [email protected]

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see