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A terraform project that automates the deployment of an AWS 3-tier architecture with WordPress configuration

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This terraform project automates the deployment of a 3-tier architecture in AWS with WordPress installed and configured on webservers. It creates the following resources:
A custom VPC with 6 subnets: 2 public and 4 private, internet & NAT gateways, RDS MySQL databases & webservers in private subnets, security groups, a bastion host & an application load balancer in public subnets, an elastic file system, a Route53 hosted zone and autoscaling groups that create & scale bastion & webserver instances. It also creates an S3 bucket that securely stores terraform's state files.

3tierArch drawio

  • The bastion/jump host & application load balancer reside in the public presentation layer
  • Wordpress application web servers are located in the private application layer
  • MySQL database & its standby replica are in the private database layer

The entire project's code is seperated into various configuration files to make it easier to read, understand & maintain. For a detailed breakdown, check out this blogpost where i describe each .tf configuration file and their respective functions.


  • AWS CLI configured with your access and secret keys
  • Terraform installed on your local machine


  • Clone this repo using command git clone terraform_project
  • Go to project folder: cd terraform_project
  • Go to s3 bucket folder: cd s3-bucket-state
  • Initalize terraform here & create bucket:
    • terraform init
    • terraform plan
    • terraform apply
  • Go back to main project directory cd ..
  • You must specify your keypair in the file
  • You may also change name of VPC, CIDR, subnet IP addresses, database name/type, etc in the file
  • Initialize terraform, view project's creation plan & apply:
  • terraform init
  • terraform plan
  • terraform apply
  • At this point, you will be prompted for your sensitive values i.e database password & username
  • Creation of resources will take a few minutes. After a successful run, the load balancer's DNS endpoint will be exposed as defined in the file. Copy this URL & paste in your browser with "/wordpress" and you will be redirected to the official Wordpress admin/registration page:

Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page_ It works - Brave 8_4_2023 6_50_09 PM

  • Route53's name servers will also be exposed. You can add them to your domain provider's site to propagate your domain
  • Destroy resources: terraform destroy
  • cd ..
  • cd s3-bucket-state and destroy S3 bucket as well

Important to Note:

  • If you're on the AWS free tier, all resources are free except for the NAT gateway which cost about $0.10/hour at the time of creating this project. Be sure to destroy your resources as soon as possible to avoid incremental charges

  • Ideally, two NAT gateways should be created for redundancy; one in each public subnet (See architectural diagram). However, to avoid incurring excess charges, this project deploys just one