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This is a POC for implementing consistent naming in Bicep-Modules

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Bicep Naming-Module POC - An approach to handle consistent naming in Bicep-Modules

I haven't found anything else good for naming in Bicep yet, and Microsoft just always seems to use vars and implement naming in every module. So, sharing this one here for a centralized solution. Hope it helps anyone else! 🚀😊

This approach for a Naming-Module uses:

import { namingSchemaReference, nameGenerator } from ''

resource virtualNetwork 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks@2023-04-01' = {

  // Will now generate a name such as: vnet-demo-euwe-dev-001
  name: nameGenerator(
      location: location
      environment: environment
      postfixIndex: 1
  location: location

  properties: {
    // Define properties for the Virtual Network.

Since User Defined Functions were released with Bicep 0.26.x, this approach requires Bicep 0.26.x or higher

In some previous versions, it can be activated as an experimental feature

How To Use

Defining the Naming-Module

The Naming-Module consists of two resources, which can be imported by other modules:

  • nameGenerator(): A user defined function for generating the desired name
  • namingSchemaReference: A reference for defining names for each resource, which is provided to the nameGenerator() upon calling it

The namingSchemaReference consists of two parts:

  • Defining the short names for each Azure location used
  • Defining the naming patterns for each Azure resource used

This can be customized and extended to the desired Naming-Preferences. One or multiple SchemaReferences can be created for different Naming-Conventions. The schema is passed to the nameGenerator()-Function, using the information to generate an appropriate name. Each resource definition defines the naming via a pattern, delimiter and required parameters. A special formatting can be applied to certain parameters. A PostfixIndex can be formated this way to be always padded with three zeroes, turning '1' into '001'. The validation block can apply validation of a range or a set for each parameter, forcing an error on fail.

// NOTE: Needs to be exported, so it can be imported by other modules
var namingSchemaReference = {
  locations: {
    'West Europe': 'euwe'
    westeurope: 'euwe'

  resources: {
    'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks': {
      enforceAllLowerCase: true

      delimiter: '-'
      pattern: ['vnet', '<PREFIX>', '<NAME>', '<LOCATION>', '<ENVIRONMENT>', '<POSTFIX_INDEX>']
      required: [
      format: {
        // format a postfixIndex number into a string with three padded zeroes:
        // '1'  => '001'
        // '2'  => '002'
        // '12' => '012'
        POSTFIX_INDEX: '{0:000}'
      validate: {
        POSTFIX_INDEX: {
          range: [0, 999]
        ENVIRONMENT: {
          set: [

Using the Naming-Module

To use the Naming-Module, the exported schemaReference and nameGenerator()-Function need to be imported. The imported nameGenerator()-Function can then be simply called to create the desired name.

Optimally it is imported from some central place, such as a Bicep-Module-Registry, so the naming is maintained and used from one central source

The Module also forces an error failing the Function-Call when a parameter defined as required in the namingSchemaReference is not provided!

The Module can be imported to modules with any scope

// This can also be imported from a Bicep-Module-Registry
// import { namingSchemaReference, nameGenerator } from 'br:bicepnamingpoc001.azurecr.iomodule.naming:1.0.0'

import { namingSchemaReference, nameGenerator } from 'module.naming.bicep'


Call the nameGenerator() with:
- The resourceType as defined in the nameSchemaReference
- The nameSchmaReference (Naming-Convention) that should be used
- The parameters for generating the name

resource virtualNetwork 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks@2023-04-01' = {

  // Will now generate a name such as: vnet-demo-euwe-dev-001
  name: nameGenerator(
      location: location
      environment: environment
      postfixIndex: 1
  location: location

  properties: {
    // Define properties for the Virtual Network.


The Keywords used in the pattern are customizable. For each keyword, a corresponding parameter is searched in the parameters-Object given on the function call. For Parameters like <CUSTOM_KEYWORD>, a camelcase parameter customKeyword is expected.

If it is required and not provided, an error such as the following is forced by the function, preventing incorrect naming to be deployed.


**This doesn't apply for special Parameters which currently are UNIQUE_STRING **

Keywords used in the pattern array need always be written in < >

resources: {
  'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults': {
    enforceAllLowerCase: true
    delimiter: '-'

    pattern: ['kv', '<PREFIX>', '<NAME>', '<CUSTOM_PARAMETER>','<ENVIRONMENT>', '<UNIQUE_STRING>']
    required: [
    format: {
      CUSTOM_PARAMETER: '{0:000}'

// Upon Function-Call this now expects a custom parameter in camelcase.
var kvName = nameGenerator(
      name: 'secrets'
      environment: 'dev'
      customParameter: 'bla'

Some Advantages

Naming maintained at one place

This approach ensures that one or multiple Naming-Conventions are maintained in one central Naming-Module, that can be used and implemented by any other modules.

Consistent naming across modules

Since Naming is implemented in one central Naming-Module and not different modules, consistent naming is ensured by every module implementing it.

Easy to use and implement

It is simple to implement in any module with just adding the Import-Statement and the Function-Calls.

TODOS, Ideas and stuff

  • Add more naming examples and implementations for other edge-cases:


This is a POC for implementing consistent naming in Bicep-Modules







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