![SensioLabs Insight][1]
Install with composer :
$ composer require "innova/path-bundle" "2.*"
$ php app/console claroline:plugin:install InnovaPathBundle
$ php app/console claroline:plugin:uninstall InnovaPathBundle
The PathBundle provides a new Symfony 2 command to publish Paths into the application :
$ php app/console innova:path:publish
It accepts the following arguments :
--force, -f
Additional to Paths which need publishing (not already published or pending modifications), the command will publish Paths which are not flagged to publish.
--workspace[=workspaceId], -w[=workspaceId]
Publish only Paths which are in this Workspace.
--path[=pathId], -p[=pathId]
Publish a specific Path.
- Donovan Tengblad (purplefish32)
- Axel Penin (Elorfin)
- Arnaud Bey (arnaudbey)
- Eric Vincent (ericvincenterv)
- Nicolas Dufour (eldoniel) [1]: https://insight.sensiolabs.com/projects/91c3195e-8056-40e9-b1d3-e5cc10230e4f/small.png