Web scraping of www.openaq.org for open source data to collect air pollution data from different locations in the world. Tools used - Selenium Python.
I published a blog post about this project on the Towards Data Science blog https://towardsdatascience.com/step-by-step-web-scraping-project-using-selenium-in-python-3be887e6e35c
This project was done during the Graduate Studies in Data Science at the University of Warsaw together with Jorge Bueno Perez and Noam Shmuel.
- Run 1GetCountries.py file. The code generates a 1Countries.csv file which will be used at the Stage 2.
- Run 2GetLinksOfCountries.p file. The code generates a 2Links_Of_Countries.csv file which will be used at the Stage 3.
- Run 3GetLinksOfCards.py file. The code generates a 3Links_Of_Cards.csv file which will be used at the Stage 4.
- Run 4GetDetails.py file. The code generates a 4Full_Details.csv file which will be used at the Stage 5.
- Run 5GetAnalysis.py file. The code generates a 5pollution_european_countries.yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm.png file.