A little key-logger written in rust for linux. It listens directly to a keyboard input (in /dev/input).
Most of the common keys are supported.
Qwerty and Azerty keyboards are implemented but more keyboard layout can be added to the list.
Usage: k-logger [OPTIONS]
-f, --file <FILE>
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
I highly recommend to use cargo to build the code.
cargo build --release && sudo ./target/release/k-logger
- clap - Command Line Argument Parser for Rust.
- tracing - tracing is a framework for instrumenting Rust programs to collect structured, event-based diagnostic information.
- tracing-subscriber - Utilities for implementing and composing tracing subscribers.
- Common keys implementation
- multi-keyboard support
- international keyboard support (Azerty + Qwerty)
- write inputs to a file
- internet linked endpoint
- hide process
- remove sudo privilege ?
- Windows support
- time limitation where the logger stops and delete himself
This project is build for fun and educational purpose. DO NOT USE IT for any illegal actions.