It's the collection of my code exercises which I did in the past first I will focus on Python
The challenges are splatted between two platform LeetCode and CodeWars and on each of them you will find the dir with challenge name,
- - with description of exercise.
- - with my solution
- with with runnable test case
- pipfile - with all packages used
- platform_result folder - with image screenshot which describe about runtime and memory distribution based on all submission
go to Challenge dir e.g Max Consecutive Ones
# To install env with packages
pipenv install
# To remove env after testing
pipenv --rm
# To run all TC
pipenv run py -m unittest
- python 3.7
- pipenv
- LeetCode
- Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array [runtime beats 95.94% then rest submissions]
- Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array [runtime beats 95.85% then rest submissions]
- Replace Elements with Greatest Element on Right Side [one liner ;) but take too much time ;(]
- CodeWars
- 4 kyu - Sudoku Solution Validator
- 5 kyu - Base64 Encoding