dl4.3 is a simple program for linear regression.
Short manual: Compilation requirements: * gcc 7.5.0 or higher * clang 12.0.0 or higher
* with source (for Linux):
** g++ dl4.3-source.cpp -o dl4.3
* or
** downald the .tar file,
** explore them,
** enter into explored folder via Linux terminal
** type: make
in the folder dl4.3 should appear dl4.3 binary file, which You can run
Run the program dl4.3 for Linux:
* in terminal type: ./dl4.3
* or: ./(path to binary file dl4.3)/dl4.3
Construction of the input file: * File should not contain chars of the alphabet, ect. except integers (example: 4) and floating point numbers (example: 0.4). * File should contain three columns in the following order: X value, Y value, Uncertainty/Error Y. * In case of unknown uncertaints/errors in 3-rd column You should write 1.
Usefull commands: * man(2) -- manual, * return(2) -- returns to the beginning of the program, * author(2) -- display information about author/authors and the used sources, * exit(2) -- close the program.
Interpretation of a output:
*A, B -- linear regression/fitted parameters with their uncertainty,
*R^2 -- coefficient of determination,
*Chi^2 -- chi-square,
*n -- degree of freedom,
*r -- correlation coefficient,
*RSS -- residual sum of squares,
*TSS -- total sum of squares.
Author: Łukasz Łysakowski. The following sources were used during creating the program:
- Andrzej Zięba: ANALIZA DANYCH W NAUKACH ŚCISŁYCH I TECHNICE, PWN, Warszawa: 2014, page: 118-124
- www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coefficient_of_determination