Releases: LSSTDESC/desc-python
v1.6.0: Merge pull request #150 from LSSTDESC/issue/149/dev-kernels
Add two new dev kernels:
- td-env-dev
- desc-forecasts-dev
use NERSC's texlive in desc-python
Fixes #110 to add latex to desc-python by using NERSC's texlive module
Patch release
- Update yamls to fix up pip installations
- Removed c-blosc explicit version, as it no longer worked, likely something shifted since this was installed at NERSC.
The DESC conda environments now support defining a user area to store locally installed packages.
Three new environment variables are now supported:
DESCPYTHONUSERBASE - for use with desc-python
DESCPYTHONBLEEDUSERBASE - for use with desc-python-bleed
DESCSTACKUSERBASE - for use with desc-stack-weekly or desc-stack-weekly-latest
When defined, the set up script for the DESC environment will update PYTHONUSERBASE and PYTHONPATH. When new packages are installed via pip install --user, the package will be installed in PYTHONUSERBASE and found during execution due to the updated PYTHONPATH.
Patch Release for GCRCatalogs v1.8.0
Changes in this patch release
- Upgrade to GCRCatalogs v1.8.0
Catch up release
Pulls in latest versions of all included packages, including GCRCatalogs
Remove specific versioning of NERSC modules
cray-mpich-abi is often upgraded at NERSC and there's no reason to stay tied to a specifc version in the setup scripts
add desc-forecasts kernel
v1.3.0 add desc-forecasts kernel
testing desc-python-gpu
Merge pull request #135 from LSSTDESC/issues/133/gpu add setup for desc-python-gpu
Add cosmosis setup to td_env Jupyter Kernel
v1.2.0-b bring ymls up to date