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holm10 committed Jan 14, 2025
1 parent 63b97eb commit ac2eae1
Showing 1 changed file with 17 additions and 17 deletions.
34 changes: 17 additions & 17 deletions bbb/bbb.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -307,15 +307,15 @@ cngtgy(ngspmx) real /ngspmx*0./+input #Y-flux coef for gas comp. of Ti eqn.
sxgsol real /1./ +input #stretches x-coord. for gas in sol & core regions
sxgpr real /1./ +input #stretches x-coord. for gas in private flux region
xstscal real [m] /1./ +input #scale-length with stretch-coord decays from plates
rld2dxg(ngspmx) real /ngspmx*0./ +input +threadprivate #ratio of gas decay-length to dx via artificial diff.
rld2dyg(ngspmx) real /ngspmx*0./ +input +threadprivate #ratio of gas decay-length to dy via artificial diff.
rld2dxg(ngspmx) real /ngspmx*0./ +input #ratio of gas decay-length to dx via artificial diff.
rld2dyg(ngspmx) real /ngspmx*0./ +input #ratio of gas decay-length to dy via artificial diff.
cngflox(ngspmx) real /ngspmx*0./ +input #fac for x-flux from convection in ng-eqn.
cngfloy(ngspmx) real /ngspmx*1./ +input #fac for y-flux from convection in ng-eqn.
cngniflox(nispmx,ngspmx) real /nispmxngspmx*0./ +input #fac for rel ion-neut x-vel in ng-eqn
cngnifloy(nispmx,ngspmx) real /nispmxngspmx*0./ +input #fac for rel ion-neut y-vel in ng-eqn
cngsor real /1./ +input #Coef for part. src. in ng-eq.
cdifg(ngspmx) real /ngspmx*1./ +input +threadprivate #scale factor for gas diffusion coeff.
lgmax(ngspmx) real /ngspmx*1.e20/ +input +threadprivate #max gas scale length for calc particle D_g
cdifg(ngspmx) real /ngspmx*1./ +input #scale factor for gas diffusion coeff.
lgmax(ngspmx) real /ngspmx*1.e20/ +input #max gas scale length for calc particle D_g
lgtmax(ngspmx) real /ngspmx*1.e20/ +input #max gas scale length for calc. thermal D_g
lgvmax real /1.e20/ +input #max gas scale length for calc. viscous D_g
rtg2ti(ngspmx) real /ngspmx*1./ +input #ratio of gas temp to ion temp
Expand All @@ -338,9 +338,9 @@ isvhyha integer /0/ +input #switch (=1) for harmonic y-ave of up in visc
upvhflr real /1.e2/ +input #min denom for up harmc ave (isvhyha=1); visc heat
vboost real /1./ +input #previously scaled eqp; no longer in use
cvgp real /1./ +input #Coef for v.Grad(p) ion/elec eng. terms
cvgpg real /1./ +input +threadprivate +threadprivate #Coef for v.Grad(pg) gas eng. terms
cvgpg real /1./ +input #Coef for v.Grad(pg) gas eng. terms
cfvgpx(1:nispmx) real /nispmx*1./ +input #Coefs for x components of v.grad(p) in ti-eq
cftiexclg real /1./ +input +threadprivate #Coef =1.0 for including atom gas contrib. in Ti eq. Make it 0.0 when turn on atom temperature.
cftiexclg real /1./ +input #Coef =1.0 for including atom gas contrib. in Ti eq. Make it 0.0 when turn on atom temperature.
cfvgpy(1:nispmx) real /nispmx*1./ +input #Coefs for y components of v.grad(p) in ti-eq
cfbgt real /0./ +input #Coef for the B x Grad(T) terms.
cfjhf real /1./ +input #Coef for convective cur (fqp) heat flow
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ cfjpy real /0./ +input #Coef for B x gradP terms in div(J) eqn
isnfmiy integer /0/ +input #diff fmiy for symmetry for vel. cells touching x-pt.
cfnfmiy real /1./ +input #Coef for new fmiy for vel. cells touching x-pt.
cnimp real /1./ +input #Coef for impurity radiation loss
fac2sp real [ ] /1./ +input +threadprivate #factor to test 2-species model; for
fac2sp real [ ] /1./ +input #factor to test 2-species model; for
#equal densities, set fac2sp=2
$$$cfw(1:10) real /0.1,9*1./ +input #Coeff's for the parallel neutral momentum eq.
$$$ #cfw(1)*(the local sound speed) is the parallel
Expand All @@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ cfupjr real [ ] /0./ +input #coef to include u_par in Jr calc.
cfcximp1 real [ ] /1./ +input #coef multi. kcxrz for imp(+1)+D(0)->imp(0)+D(+1)
cfcximp2 real [ ] /1./ +input #coef mult. kcxrz;imp(+p)+D(0)->imp(p-1)+D(+1),p>1
cfnetap real [ ] /1./ +input #coef mult. netap*fqp term in frice express.
fcdif real [ ] /1./ +input +threadprivate #coef mult all constant anomal diff coef
fcdif real [ ] /1./ +input #coef mult all constant anomal diff coef
cfmsor real [ ] /1./ +input #coef mult msor and msorxr in up eqn.
cpiup(nispmx) real /nispmx*1./ +input #mult. press. grad term in up eqn
cfloyi real [ ] /2.5/ +input #coef mult ion radial convective energy flow
Expand All @@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ cfqyai real /0./ +input #Coef for anomalous ion current in y-directio
cfhcxgc(ngspmx) real /ngspmx*0./ +input # Coef constant pol heat conduct (chixg_use)
cfhcygc(ngspmx) real /ngspmx*0./ +input # Coef constant rad heat conduct (chiyg_use)
cftgcond real /1./ +input #Coef for gas thermal cond (usually molecules)
cftgeqp real /1.5/ +input +threadprivate #Coef for gas thermal equipartion (usually molecules)
cftgeqp real /1.5/ +input #Coef for gas thermal equipartion (usually molecules)

***** Bcond restart:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ phintewo real /3./ +input #phi/te on outer wall if iphibcwo=1
ncore(nispmx) real [m**-3]/nispmx*7.e19/ +input #core ion dens if isnicore=1
upcore(nispmx) real [m/s] /nispmx*0./ +input #core ion parall vel. if isupcore=0
ngcore(ngspmx) real [m**-3]/ngspmx*1.e15/ +input #core gas dens if isngcore=1
tgcore(ngspmx) real [eV] /ngspmx*100./ +input +threadprivate #core gas temp if istgcore=1
tgcore(ngspmx) real [eV] /ngspmx*100./ +input #core gas temp if istgcore=1
isnicore(nispmx) integer /1,30*0/ +input #switch for ion-density core B.C.
#=1, set uniform, fixed density, ncore
#=0, set flux to curcore/sy locally in ix
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ istgcore(ngspmx) integer /ngspmx*1/ +input #switch for neutral-density core B.C.
#=1, set fixed temp tgcore(igsp)
#=2, set energy flux = cfalbedo(=2.0)*fng_alb*tg
#if > 2, set zero grad; tg(,0,)=tg(,1,)
cftgticore(ngspmx) real /ngspmx*1./ +input +threadprivate #set tg(ixcore,0,igsp)=ti(ixcore,0)*cftgticore(igsp) when istgcore(igsp) = 0.
cftgticore(ngspmx) real /ngspmx*1./ +input #set tg(ixcore,0,igsp)=ti(ixcore,0)*cftgticore(igsp) when istgcore(igsp) = 0.
curcore(1:nispmx) real [A] /0.,30*0./ +input #value of current from core if isnicore=0
lzcore(1:nispmx) real [kg/ms] /nispmx*0./ +input #tor. ang. mom dens core bdry; phi eqn
lzflux(1:nispmx) real [kg/s**2]/nispmx*0./ +input #tor. ang. mom dens flux core bdry; up eqn
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ tepltl real [eV] /2./ +input #left plate Te B.C. if ibctepl=0
tipltl real [eV] /2./ +input #left plate Ti B.C. if ibctipl=0
tepltr real [eV] /2./ +input #right plate Te B.C. if ibcteplr=0
tipltr real [eV] /2./ +input #right plate Ti B.C. if ibctiplr=0
tbmin real [eV] /.1/ +input +threadprivate #min. wall & pf temp for extrap. b.c.(isextrt..)
tbmin real [eV] /.1/ +input #min. wall & pf temp for extrap. b.c.(isextrt..)
nbmin real [m**-3] /1.e17/ +input #min. wall & pf den for extrap. b.c.(isextrn..)
ngbmin real [m**-3] /1.e10/ +input #min. core gas den for extrap. b.c.(isextrngc)
istewc integer /1/ +input # switch for outer-wall BC on Te
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -563,8 +563,8 @@ istgpfc(ngspmx) integer /ngspmx*0/ +input #switch for PF BC on Tg(,0,igsp)
# =5, tg = ti*cftgtipfc
# >5, report error in input
istgpfcix(0:nx+1,ngspmx) _integer +input # pol depend BC for pf wall tg if ispfbcvsix=1
cftgtiwc(ngspmx) real /ngspmx*1./ +input +threadprivate #wall Tg B.C.: tg = ti*cftgtiwc if istgwc=5
cftgtipfc(ngspmx) real /ngspmx*1./ +input +threadprivate #pfc Tg B.C.: tg = ti*cftgtipfc if istgpfc=5
cftgtiwc(ngspmx) real /ngspmx*1./ +input #wall Tg B.C.: tg = ti*cftgtiwc if istgwc=5
cftgtipfc(ngspmx) real /ngspmx*1./ +input #pfc Tg B.C.: tg = ti*cftgtipfc if istgpfc=5
tewalli(0:nx+1) _real [eV] +input #/(nx+2)*0./
#inner wall Te for istepfc=1.; = tedge if not set
tiwalli(0:nx+1) _real [eV] +input #/(nx+2)*0./
Expand All @@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ tewallo(0:nx+1) _real [eV] +input #/(nx+2)*0./
#outer wall Te for istewc=1.; = tedge if not set
tiwallo(0:nx+1) _real [eV] +input #/(nx+2)*0./
#outer wall Ti for istiwc=1.; = tedge if not set
tgwall(ngspmx) real [eV] /ngspmx*0.025/ +input +threadprivate #Wall gas temp BC
tgwall(ngspmx) real [eV] /ngspmx*0.025/ +input #Wall gas temp BC
lyte(1:2) real /2*1e20/ [m] +input #decaying rad Te grad leng;(1,2) istepfc,wc=3
lyteix(2,0:nx+1) _real [m] +input # pol dep radial te grad length if set < 1e5
# istepfc,wc=3: 1:2=i:o, 2nd dim ix
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -661,8 +661,8 @@ issori(10) integer /10*0/ +input #starting ix cell index for inner source
iesori(10) integer /10*0/ +input #ending ix cell index for inner source
issoro(10) integer /10*0/ +input #starting ix cell index for outer source
iesoro(10) integer /10*0/ +input #ending ix cell index for outer source
iwalli(10) real /10*0./ +input +threadprivate #current from inner source region isor for coupling
iwallo(10) real /10*0./ +input +threadprivate #current from outer source region isor for coupling
iwalli(10) real /10*0./ +input #current from inner source region isor for coupling
iwallo(10) real /10*0./ +input #current from outer source region isor for coupling
ncpli(10) integer /10*0/ +input #flag for coupling between inner srce isor & ncpli
ncplo(10) integer /10*0/ +input #flag for coupling between outer srce isor & ncpli
cplsori(10) real /10*0./ +input #coeff. giving coupling from inner isor to ncpli
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