This repository contains the code for the SPI (safe policy improvement) in POMDPS (partially observable Markov decision processes) experiments presented in the paper:
Thiago D. Simão, Marnix Suilen, and Nils Jansen
Safe Policy Improvement for POMDPs via Finite-State Controllers
In AAAI, 2023.
After cloning this repository:
- create a virtualenv and activate it
cd spi_pomdp/
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
- install the dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
- run the unittests
python -m unittest discover
- run all experiments
- generate the plots
cd plotting/
This section shows how the codebase can be used to run new experiments.
can be used to generate a behavior policy.
python --env_id "Tiger-v0" --k 1 --training_episodes 5000 --decaying_rate_qlearning 0.002 --beta 0.05
Q-Learning FSC(1): 16%|█▊ | 842/5250 [00:00<00:01, 3098.25it/s, ret=8.5]Q-Learning FSC(1): 19%|█▉ | 1018/5250 [00:00<00:01, 3040.65it/s, ret=8.5]
Use the following command for further options.
python --help
usage: [-h] [--env_id {CheeseMaze-v0,Tiger-v0,Voicemail-v0}] [--training_episodes TRAINING_EPISODES] [--evaluation_episodes EVALUATION_EPISODES] [--decaying_rate_qlearning DECAYING_RATE_QLEARNING] [--beta BETA] [--k K]
[--ma_size MA_SIZE] [--seed SEED] [--discount DISCOUNT]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--env_id {CheeseMaze-v0,Tiger-v0,Voicemail-v0}
gym env id (default=Tiger-v0)
--training_episodes TRAINING_EPISODES
number of training episodes (default=5000)
--evaluation_episodes EVALUATION_EPISODES
number of evaluation episodes (default=10000)
--decaying_rate_qlearning DECAYING_RATE_QLEARNING
q-learning exponential decay rate (default=0.002)
--beta BETA softmax temperature to generate the behavior policy (default=0.002)
--k K size of history the FSC is tracking (default=1)
--ma_size MA_SIZE size of window for moving average -- percentage of the number of training episodes, (default=0.05)
--seed SEED seed (default=123)
--discount DISCOUNT discount factor -- gamma (default=0.95)
The following command runs the safe policy improvement experiments with seeds 1-4
using 2
process and the behavior policy from the file data/Tiger-v0_k-1.pkl
python -c 2 -s $(seq -s \ 1 4) -p data/Tiger-v0_k-1.pkl
1 Result(algorithm='Basic RL', expected_return=-44.692, behavior_k=1, target_k=1, seed=1, dataset_size=1, n_wedge=0)
2 Result(algorithm='Basic RL', expected_return=-6.9155, behavior_k=1, target_k=1, seed=2, dataset_size=1, n_wedge=0)
1 Result(algorithm='SPIBB', expected_return=-4.698643962439575, behavior_k=1, target_k=1, seed=1, dataset_size=1, n_wedge=5)
2 Result(algorithm='SPIBB', expected_return=-4.752423289584789, behavior_k=1, target_k=1, seed=2, dataset_size=1, n_wedge=5)
Use the following command for further options.
python --help
usage: [-h] [-p BEHAVIOR_POLICY_PATH] [-s SEEDS [SEEDS ...]] [-c CPUS] [--dataset_sizes DATASET_SIZES [DATASET_SIZES ...]] [--n_wedges N_WEDGES [N_WEDGES ...]] [--target_ks TARGET_KS [TARGET_KS ...]] [--output_path OUTPUT_PATH] [--verbose]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
file containing the behavior policy
-s SEEDS [SEEDS ...], --seeds SEEDS [SEEDS ...]
list of seeds
-c CPUS, --cpus CPUS number of cpus to par
--dataset_sizes DATASET_SIZES [DATASET_SIZES ...]
number of worker processes
--n_wedges N_WEDGES [N_WEDGES ...]
list of hyper-parameters to be evaluated
--target_ks TARGET_KS [TARGET_KS ...]
list of history sizes to be used by the target policy
--output_path OUTPUT_PATH
output directory (default=results)
--verbose runs on verbose mode