Modular inventory system for godot 4 with nodes, compatible with multiplayer, separate logic from the UI, Using items as separate resources.
A universal inventory system for the Godot game engine.
Action RPG-focused inventory system for Godot 3 and 4
Most feature-packed Bullethell Engine. All in 1 plugin for Godot 3 & 4.
NobodyWho is a plugin that lets you interact with local LLMs in the Godot game engine, with more plugins in development.
Betterbird is a fork of Mozilla Thunderbird. Here are the patches that provide all the goodness.
Python interface to Graphviz graph drawing package
Draws a flowchart graph of any Visual Novel from Renpy .rpy files !
A more advanced voice support module for the Godot dialogic plugin
Flavelius / godot
Forked from godotengine/godotGodot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine