MedHub is a one-stop-shop destination for healthcare. Our mission is to make your healthcare experience easy, regardless of your specific needs. Our platform is designed to simplify the healthcare experience, connecting patients with qualified doctors, enabling doctors to meet with patients effectively and on their own schedule, and helping pharmacists deliver quality care.
- Overview
- Code Coverage
- Code Smell Statistics
- CI/CD for MedHub
- Build and Deployment
- Dependencies
- Use Case Scenarios
- ER Diagram
- API Table
MedHub is designed to simplify the healthcare process for everyone involved - patients, doctors, and pharmacists.
Smell Type | Total Smells | True Positive | False Positive |
Implementation Smells | 130 | 55 | 75 |
Design Smells | 189 | 14 | 175 |
Architecture Smells | 13 | 2 | 11 |
Test Smells | 36 | 18 | 18 |
Total Smells | 368 | 89 | 279 |
See the MedHub code smells summary file for justifications of smells in the case of false positives, and explanations of how we refactored in the case of true positives.
The information below details the steps in the MedHub CI/CD pipeline used for building and deploying the application.
- Builds the backend using the command
mvn clean package
and creates the jar file in the target directory.
- Runs all test cases in the project using the command
mvn test
- Uses DesigniteJava to run a report on code smells and saves the resulting artifacts in the code_smells directory with the command
java -jar DesigniteJava.jar -i ASDC -o code_smells
- Logs into Docker Hub and builds the Docker images for the backend and frontend code, tags them with a unique identifier and pushes these to Docker Hub.
- Deploys the backend and frontend Docker containers to the VM URL.
MedHub is a Maven-based project using the Spring framework for the backend and React for frontend.
To deploy this project on your local machine, follow the steps below
- Download the Java Development Kit (JDK) from the Oracle JDK website: Select the most recent version for your operating system and follow the installation instructions.
- Download the latest version of Apache Maven from the Apache Maven website: Follow installation instructions.
- Modify the file found in the Backend folder to configure the project to your local database.
- Navigate to the project directory in your terminal and run
mvn clean install
to build the code. - Once the build is successful, navigate to the target directory of the project directory and run
java -jar ASDC.jar
- Install Node.js from Select the most recent version for your operating system. Follow the installation instructions to install Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager).
- Open your terminal and navigate to the project directory.
- Install project dependencies by running
npm install
. - Start the development server by running
npm start
. - Navigate to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser to view the application.
The following is a list of dependencies and libraries used in this application, along with their purpose in the application:
No | Library | Version | Description |
1 | Spring Boot Starter Data JPA | 3.2.2 | Used for data access and management with the database. |
2 | Spring Boot Starter Web | 3.2.2 | Enables setting up the application with web functionalities such as RESTful services and web controllers. |
3 | Spring Boot Starter Validation | 3.2.2 | Used for defining validation rules within the application. |
4 | Spring Boot Starter Mail | 3.2.2 | Provides capabilities for sending emails, used for user registration and password reset in MedHub. |
5 | Spring Boot Devtools | 3.2.2 | Includes general tools that aid developers during the development phase of the application. |
6 | JJWT API | 0.12.5 | Used for implementing authentication and authorization mechanisms in the application. |
7 | JJWT Impl | 0.12.5 | Used for performing JWT authentication operations. |
8 | MySQL Connector J | 8.3.0 | Allows the application to connect to the MySQL database. |
9 | Spring Boot Configuration Processor | 3.2.2 | Helps in configuring the application during compilation. |
10 | Lombok | 1.18.32 | Automatically generates boilerplate code such as getters and setters, reducing manual coding efforts. |
11 | Spring Boot Starter Security | 3.2.2 | Provides features for authorization and authentication within the application. |
12 | Commons Codec | 1.16.0 | Includes encoding algorithms useful for tasks like profile picture uploads. |
13 | Jakarta Validation API | 3.0.2 | Utilized for built-in constraint validation in the application. |
14 | JUnit Vintage Engine | 5.10.2 | Enables running tests using JUnit and ensures compatibility with older versions of JUnit. |
- Upon accessing the MedHub website, users can see key information about what MedHub offers, with options to register and sign in to the site.
- Doctors and pharmacists can sign up by providing their name, email address, home or practice address, medical license number and creating a password.
- Upon registration, doctor and pharmacists will not be able to access their MedHub account until the admin verifies them.
- Patients can sign up for a MedHub account by providing their name, email address, and creating a password.
- All users can sign in to their account using the SIGN IN button on the homepage and entering their email address and password.
Upon logging in, patients will be brought to their dashboard which will display all the key functionalities they can access.
- Profile: Patients can view and modify their personal details
- Doctor Catalog: Patients can view all the doctors in the system and filter based on specialty when they are looking for a particular doctor. The doctor catalog page displays the option to book an appointment with the doctor
- Chat: Patients can chat in real-time with the doctor to clarify questions or ask about upcoming and past appointments, as well as send multimedia documents back and forth.
- Appointments: After selecting "book an appointment" for a doctor found in the doctor catalog, patients can select a date and time for their appointment based on the doctor's real availability. They can also leave ratings and feedback for completed appointments.
- Blogs: Patients can view articles written by doctors about health tips, trends, or essential health information. The patient can filter by doctor to see the blogs that are most relevant to them.
Upon logging in, doctors will be brought to their dashboard which will display all the key functionalities they can access.
- Personal Details: Doctors can view and modify their personal details
- Availability: Doctors can update their availability for appointment bookings.
- Appointment: Doctors can view all their upcoming appointments and add prescriptions for appointments that have been completed
- Consultation: Doctors can view all their past consultations
- Pharmacy: Doctors can view the prescriptions they have given to their patients
- Blog: Doctors can see all the blogs they have written and write new blogs posts
- Chat: Doctors can chat with their patients to clarify questions or discuss upcoming and past appointments, as well as send multimedia documents back and forth.
- Feedback: Doctors can see their overall feedback rating and view comments left by their patients
- Notification preferences: Doctors can update their preferences to receive notifications
- Change password: Doctors can change the password for their account
Upon logging in, pharmacists will be brought to their dashboard which will display all the key functionalities they can access.
- Personal Details: Pharmacist can view and modify their personal details
- Prescriptions: Pharmacists can view all prescription orders that have been placed by the doctor
- Change password: Pharmacists can change the password for their account
Admins control who can use MedHub, in order to ensure only verified medical professionals can represent themselves.
On their dashboard, Admins will see the option to accept or reject pending Doctor and Pharmacist approvals.
You will receive an email informing you of the decision of the admin after validating your medical license.
The MedHub project uses a relational database to store and access data. The ER Diagram below details the key relationships and attributes found in the MedHub entities.
API | HTTP | Usage |
/admin/dashboard/unverified_doctors |
This API is used to fetch the unverfied doctors |
/admin/dashboard/unverified_pharmacists |
This API is used to fetch the unverfied pharmacists |
/admin/dashboard/unverified_doctors/details |
This API is used to fetch details of an individual unverified doctor |
/admin/dashboard/unverified_pharmacists/details |
This API is used to fetch details of an individual unverified pharmacist |
/admin/dashboard/approve |
This API is used to approve users by admin |
/admin/dashboard/reject |
This API is used to reject users by admin |
/auth/register/doctor |
This API is used to handle registration request for doctors |
/auth/register/patient |
This API is used to handle registration request for patients |
/auth/register/pharmacist |
This API is used to handle registration request for pharmacists |
/auth/signin |
This API is used to handle signing request for any user |
/auth/forgot-password |
This API is used to handle the forgot password request. Generates and sends a password reset link to the provided email address. |
/auth/reset-password |
This API is used to handle the reset password request. Resets the password for the user associated with the provided email address and token. |
/auth/verify-email |
This API is used to handle Handles the email verification for the user |
/auth/search-specializations |
This API is used to search in specializations table for given string like entry |
/blogs/create-blog |
This API is used to create a new blog post |
/blogs/get-blogs |
This API is used to retrieve all blog posts |
/blogs/get-patient-blogs |
This API is used to retrieve blog posts for patients |
/chat/conversation |
This API is used to retrieve the conversation between the current user and another user |
/chat/partners |
This API is used to retrieve the chat partners for the current user |
/chat/get_username |
This API is used to retrieve the username of the current authenticated user |
/doctor/details |
This API is used to retrieve the profile of the authenticated doctor |
/doctor/details/edit |
This API is used to edit the profile of the authenticated doctor |
/doctor/details/upload_profile_picture |
This API is used to upload a profile picture for a doctor |
/doctor/set_notification_preference |
This API is used to set email notification preference of doctor |
/doctor/change_password |
This API is used to change password of doctor |
/doctor/appointments |
This API is used to retrieve all the appointment of doctor |
/doctor/get-filtered-pharmacist-list |
This API is used to retrieve all verified pharmacists filtered by pharmacy name |
/doctor/appointment/update |
This API is used to update appointment |
/doctor/feedback |
This API is used to retrieve all the Feedback of doctor |
/patient/profile |
This API is used to fetch details of an individual patient |
/patient/profile/edit |
This API is used to edit details of an individual patient |
/patient/get-filtered-doctor-list |
This API is used to retrieve doctor details with applied filter |
/patient/search-specializations |
This API is used to search in specializations table for given string like entry |
/patient/appointment/create |
This API is used to book an appointment with doctor |
/patient/get-doctor-availability |
This API is used to retrieve list of timeslots weekday wise |
/patient/get-doctor-details |
This API is used to retrieve details about doctor from id |
/patient/appointments |
This API is used to retrieve list of appointments of patient |
/patient/appointment/saveFeedback |
This API is used to save feedback in to database |
/pharmacist/profile |
This API is used to fetch pharmacist profile for current logged in pharmacist |
/pharmacist/profile |
This API is used to update the details of the pharmacist |
/pharmacist/filtered-appointments |
This API is used to fetch appointments/prescription for pharmacist based on patient name |
/pharmacist/change-password |
This API is used to change password of pharmacist |
/chat/send |
This API is used to handle sending a private chat message via WebSocket |