Backend GraphQl server for Yard Sold web-app
Bring your Yard Sale into the 21st Century!!!
GraphQl playground: http://localhost:4000/graphql
Playground Permisions should be added under HTTP HEADERS section:
{ "Authorization": "bearer ..." }
Test Mutattions:
mutation{ login(username:"Kelder", password:"abcd") { value } }
mutation { addItem(name:"newShadow.jpg", price: "40182", onHold: false, totalOnHold: 0, inventoryCount: 4, description: "control") { name } }
mutation { uploadImage(itemName:"newShadow.jpg")
Modularize Backend
Extend Functionality
Add Mutations for:
Edit item/vendor
Delete image
Delete Item
Delete User Account
Change password
- Finish second Implementation of add image for uploadImage resolver
- Investigate/fix current issue with token not user token not expiring after set time
- Switch codebase over to typescript
- Implement CI/CD
- Implment containerization