(GPL) LKM Netfilter Hook.
This module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
Make targets:
module: To execute this target correctly, you should have the kernel source headers.
demo: To execute this target correctly, you should have the Qt devel package.
all: Build the module and the demo targets.
clean: Clean the generated files.
Download the software :
mkdir devel
cd devel
git clone git://github.com/Keidan/nhm.git
cd nhm
Insert the module:
insmod module/nhm.ko
Or with IPv6 support:
insmod module/nhm.ko ipv6_support=1
To get the UDEV information (after inserting the module):
udevadm info -a -p /sys/class/nhm/nhm
To insert the module with specific rights:
KERNEL=="nhm", SUBSYSTEM=="nhm", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"
The NHM module provides an API (api/nhm.h) specifying the format of the transferred data and the list of IOCTLs that you can use to monitor the module.
You can also read the device (/dev/nhm) to get the list of rules known by the module (circular buffer).
The demo codes that explain how to communicate with the nhm module are available in the demo folder.