(GPL) Easy SSL is a FREE library based on OpenSSL libraries.
This library aims to simplify the use of some functions offered by OpenSSL :
Base64 (strings)
MD2 hashing (strings)
MD4 hashing (strings)
MD5 hashing (strings)
SHA1 hashing (strings, files)
AES encryption/decryption (strings)
Socket SSL (connect/accept/write/read/close)
Etc ... See the demo applications for the list of supported modules.
To build this library, you must have installed the OpenSSL development package (libssl-dev).
Note: The modules ssl_connect and ssl_accept are deliberately excluded from the tests.py file.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
Download the software :
mkdir devel
cd devel
git clone https://github.com/Keidan/libessl.git
cd libessl
cmake -S . -B build -DDISTRIBUTION=[debug|release] .
cmake --build build
See deploy/[processor]/*.elf