This project represents a console-based application for managing conferences, users, and venues with features like signing in, signing up, exploring conferences, organizing conferences, and more. It follows a modular structure with functions dedicated to specific tasks, enhancing code readability and maintainability.
To install, build, and execute the Conference.cpp
and ConferenceManagementMain.cpp
- Place both files in your project directory.
- Compile the
file using your preferred C++ compiler and execute the resulting executable to run the program.
- DateTime: Represents a date and time with methods for parsing and displaying dates and times.
- Venue: Represents a venue for conferences, with methods for adding, deleting, and showing venues.
- Conference: Represents a conference with a specific date, time, venue, organisers, participants, sponsors, and generated amount. It has methods for organising, sponsoring, registering participants, and checking available time slots.
- User: Represents a user with basic information like name, age, registration number, gender, username, password, and email. It has methods for displaying user information, verifying login credentials, and updating user information.
- Organiser: Inherits from User and represents an organiser with additional information like organisation name and organiser title.
- Participant: Inherits from User and represents a participant with scheduled conferences and methods for scheduling and showing conferences.
- Sponsor: Inherits from User and represents a sponsor with information about the sponsored event and the sponsored amount.
- Function Declarations: It starts with function declarations for
,page_2(User& user)
,exploreConferences(User& user)
, andcreateConferences(User& user)
. These functions handle different aspects of user interaction within the program. - Utility Functions: Following the declarations are utility functions like
to check if a string consists of digits only, andgetIntegerInput()
to get integer input from the user. - Data Management Functions: Functions like
to clean up data and exit the program, andinitialiseData()
to set up initial data like venues and conferences. - User Interaction Functions: Functions like
to provide a portal for organizers,exploreConferences()
to allow users to explore conferences and take actions like joining or organizing them, andpage_1()
which serves as the main menu for signing in, signing up, or exiting the program. - User Authentication:
functions handle user authentication and registration respectively. - Main Function: The
function initializes data, presents the main menu, and handles program exit.
Contribution: Managed the team, served as the team leader, wrote the main method, integrated different code modules, and addressed bugs throughout the development process.
Contribution: Contributed to the development of the Date and Time class, ensuring accurate and efficient handling of date and time-related functionalities.
Contribution: Developed the User class, including its functionalities and behaviors. Additionally, provided essential scripts and inputs for the creation of the animated video.
Contribution: Worked on the Organizer class, implementing features and functionalities required for managing organizers within the system. Also, played a significant role in editing and refining the video content.
Contribution: Contributed to the development of the Participant class, ensuring smooth functionality and accurate representation of participant-related data. Additionally, conducted extensive product testing to ensure quality and reliability.
Contribution: Worked on the Sponsor class, implementing features necessary for sponsor management within the system. Also, actively participated in product testing to identify and address any issues or bugs.
Contribution: Developed the Conference class, which encapsulates the functionality related to managing conferences within the system. Ensured that the conference-related features were implemented effectively and efficiently.
Contribution: Contributed to the development of the Venue class, which handles the management of venues for conferences and events. Implemented functionalities required for venue management and coordination.
Each team member played a crucial role in different aspects of the project, contributing their expertise and efforts to achieve the project's goals effectively.