# Installations
. install-ruby.sh
. install-brew.sh
. install-bashcompletion.sh
. install-go.sh
. install-docker.sh
. install-elasticsearch.sh
. install-node.sh
. install-hyper.sh
. install-redis.sh
. install-postgres.sh
. install-heroku.sh
# Customisations
. customize-terminal.sh
. install-thefuck.sh
cd configs
brew bundle
Instead of using brew to install elasticsearch, redis, postgres standalone, which restricts the version of services we want to use, standalone Docker containers can be used. This methods would be very useful when you have to work on several projects each having their own versions of these services.
docker run -d -v pg-vol:/var/lib/postgresql/data -p 5432:5432 postgres:latest # Postgres
docker run -d -v rd-vol:/data -p 6379:6379 redis:latest --append-only yes # Redis
docker run -d -v es-vol:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data -p 9200:9200 elasticsearch:latest # ElasticSearch