My configuration for the best program of the world.
I'm not a vim master, but my configuration works great for me so feel free to use it, improve it, love it or hate it... The choice is yours 😎
It works on both GNU/Linux and Windows (The >old
versions were not tested on
The requirements listed below (GNU/Linux) are managed and installed via scripts from my dotfiles repository, they are here just for reference (And for windows obviously).
Note that the external programs/packages are not mandatory.
To make use of all the features you need a relatively new version of vim which supports +job
and +timers
, and compiled with +python3
and +ruby
The fonts are from nerd-fonts repo and are included in the configuration here.
- 'FuraMono NF Medium' for GNU/Linux.
- 'InconsolataForPowerline NF Medium' for Windows.
Filetype(s) | formatter |
css , markdown , scss , yaml |
prettier N |
html |
js-beautify N |
javascript |
standard N |
json |
fixjson N |
python |
isort P, autopep8 P |
sh/bash |
shfmt |
filetype | linter |
c |
gcc B |
coffee |
coffe-script N, coffeelint N |
css |
csslint N |
html |
HTMLHint N |
javascript |
standard N |
json |
jsonlint N |
php |
php B |
python |
flake8 P |
sass/scss |
sass-lint N |
sh/bash |
shellcheck , sh B |
viml |
vim-vint P |
yaml |
yamllint P |
Install using :CocInstall
Note that coc-python
needs jedi
B orrg
for grepping and vFinder.composer
for phpcd.universal-ctags
for tag's generation.wmctrl
B for a lot of things.yad
B orzenity
B for vCoolor.
Some npm packages that will make you developer's life easier:
for live previewing static & dynamic sites.shiba
for live previewing markdown.
B Present by default or easily installable on your
N A npm package
P A pip package
R A ruby gem
git clone ~/.vim
mkdir -pv ~/.vim/misc/templates ~/.vim/misc/view ~/.vim/misc/swap_dir ~/.vim/misc/undodir
# Link the font if you don't have it already
ln -s "~/.vim/misc/fonts/Fura Mono Medium Nerd Font Complete Mono Windows Compatible.otf" ~/.fonts/
# Not mandatory
ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
# Then upgrade vim-plug & install the plugins (Note that before installing
# plugins, some errors will be shown)
vim +PlugUpgrade +PlugUpdate +qall
Have fun 😄
This configuration is not a ready-to-use vim distribution, it contains a lot of settings that may no suit everyone, so take a look, test and take what you want :beer:.