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Extra Mods to Consider

Clayell edited this page Mar 8, 2025 · 61 revisions

This guide skips most mods that are installed by default when you install RO/RP-1. If you have not installed RO/RP-1 using that guide, please do so first before returning here.

The base installation includes everything you need to play RP-1, so please try a career or two using just those mods before branching out (unless you are already familiar with Principia, in which case grab Principia alone as an additional mod).


  • Some of these mods may already be in your install if you used the Express Install and downloaded its required/recommended mods, please don't try to download a mod twice!
  • Unless otherwise mentioned, install all mods through CKAN. This will ensure you have the most up-to-date version possible, and that all dependencies are correctly installed.
    • Some of these mods cannot be installed by CKAN. If you don't know how to install non-CKAN mods, read the simple guide! Remember, when setting up a new install, only add non-CKAN mods after you've installed all CKAN mods.

Table of Contents

1. Principia

2. Major Gameplay Additions

3. Pretty Graphics & Sound Mods

4. Other High-Quality Parts Mods

5. Quality-of-Life Mods

6. The Blacklist: Mods to Avoid

7. Unlisted Mods

Note: this mod list is intended as a menu, not a bucket list. Trying to install everything at the same time will likely cause a mess.

§1: Principia

  • Principia, Requires Manual Install, check the README - Replaces stock's patched conics approximation of celestial gravitation with a much more substantial n-body model, enabling Lagrange points, sun-synchronous orbits, and perturbation due to mascons.

    • Reading the Principia wiki (linked in the sidebar) is highly recommended.
    • Because Principia is written in C++, not in C#, you can't install it like other GitHub mods. Click the link, scroll down to the readme, and follow the download instructions.

§2: Major Gameplay Additions

  • Actual Sites: Airports - This mod adds 600 runways across the entirety of Earth. Due to them lacking a KSC, they are lacking in some RP-1 features compared to the actual KSC Runway, however they are far better to land at than the ground when in a pinch.
  • kOS - A scripting utility for your rockets. Extremely powerful and very useful. Has extensive documentation (linked in the sidebar) and a very helpful Discord server.
  • Test Lite - Not recommended in RP-1 due to balance reasons, but still compatible. A lightweight replacement to the Test Flight mod (must uninstall Test Flight if using Test Lite), best known for its Deterministic Mode that removes the random chance of engines failing and replaces it with them immediately failing at rated burn time plus 5 seconds. Useful if you are frustrated with Test Flight's randomness.

§3: Pretty Graphics & Sound Mods

  • CanaveralPads - This mod adds many historical and modern real life launch sites for areas around Cape Canaveral. Also included with the High Graphics Express Install.
  • Chatterer/Chatterer Extended - Adds realistic beeps and SSTV ambiance noise to your missions, along with nonsensical chatter if you have Kerbals on board.
  • Custom Parachute Message - Adds the Perseverance parachute shader to all RealChute parts (except for the Stack Chute) and allows you to customize the parachute with text, coordinates, and colors.
  • Deferred - This mod adds deferred rendering support to KSP. Deferred rendering decouples geometry rendering from lighting, allowing for more modern lighting techniques to be used, and better lighting performance with many light sources. These updates allow for much more realistic metallic textures, ambient occlusion, and native planetshine.
  • Docking Port Sound FX - Adds sound effects to docking. The thread also contains alternative sounds.
  • Pood's Milky Way Skybox - One of three skyboxes by Poodmund, this one closely resembles the real night sky.
  • RP-1 TechTree Kompacted - A mod that visually rearranges the RP-1 tech tree and adds colors to make it easier to read, but does not change the actual order of getting these technologies.
  • TUFX - A post-processing mod that allow you to apply several effects to your game, for giving a cinematic, photorealistic, or even cartoonish look to your game. This mod has default profiles but you can easily install other ones or create your own.

§4: Other High-Quality Parts Mods

Rocket Parts

Although ROEngines will provide most of the engines you could ever want for your RP-1 career, here are a few mods that offer new options. Do note that almost all of these are only relevant in the mid-to late game (post 1970), so if you're playing RP-1 rather than RO, it may make sense to wait to install these.

  • Cryo Engines - This mod pack includes many current and near future methalox and hydrolox engines, such as Vulcain 2, LE-9, RL-60, STBE-3, Raptor, and Avio M10.
  • Kerbal Atomics - Although not fully configured, this mod pack provides some more exotic NTR options, such as liquid-core NTRs and the Low-Pressure NTR.
  • Kerwis Chinese Aerospace Pack - A small but very high quality modpack containing engines for the Long March series of rockets.
  • Near Future Launch Vehicles - Although not fully configured, this mod pack provides many modern booster engines, such as the RD-701/704, AR-1, RS-84, and STBE-1, and TR-107.
  • Near Future Launch Propulsion - This mod pack contains a wide variety of ion engines.
  • ROEngines Extended - A quick and dirty mod that clones existing ROEngines parts to create some more obscure engines, including the AR-22, RD-263, RL-200, RS-44, and RS-76.
  • Rocket Motor Menagerie - This mod contains a decent amount of RS-25 variants and other similar FRSC (fuel-rich staged combustion) engines.
  • Stockish Project Orion, Requires Manual Install - Ol' Boom Boom. Adds parts for the USAF Orion and a Medusa drive.

Misc Parts

Various high-quality parts mods that provide unique parts for your RP-1 career.

  • Hullcam - Allows you to lock the view to a camera mounted on your rocket for Saturn V and SpaceX style shots.
  • InternalRCS - A pack that adds a number of small configurable RCS parts that mount flush with your rocket's body like the Space Shuttle's orbital maneuvering system. (some models within ROEngines's Modular RCS (notably those from Restock) are also capable of doing the same thing)
  • Kerbal Foundries2 - Adds more landing gear (mostly wheels) for planes.
  • Near Future Aeronautics - Adds jet engines, very large and very small, including the GE4 and deployable VTOL liftjets.
  • Near Future Construction - Adds various constellation-inspired large structural parts for large ships or space stations.
  • Near Future Electrical - Adds nuclear reactors. Best paired with Kerbalism System Heat for much better heat management with System Heat.
  • Near Future Exploration - Adds antennas and other probe parts, including some extremely large folding antennas.
  • Near Future Solar - Adds large solar panels, and ROSolar will use its models if it is present.
  • Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit - A high quality (but stockalike) Space Shuttle mod from benjee10.
  • Space Shuttle System, Requires Manual Install - A high quality, photorealistic Space Shuttle Mod from DECQ. Outdated, but still works fine on KSP 1.12.3.
  • Buran Energia Mod - A high quality, photorealistic Buran and Energia mod from DECQ and Alcentar.
  • Soviet Spacecraft - Contains most Soviet spacecraft, including Vostok, Voskhod, Soyuz 7k-OK, LOK, and T, and TKS/VA.
  • Salyut Stations - Contains parts for Soviet Salyut/Almaz stations.
  • Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux (SSPX) - Adds many high quality customizable station parts beginning with early station modules and proceeding towards greenhouses and centrifuges.

§5: Quality-of-Life Mods

  • Advanced Fly-By-Wire - Adds an interface to improve the controller handling of KSP and allows control remapping mid-flight. Useful for gamepad, joystick and HOTAS users.
  • Docking Port Alignment Indicator - Adds a camera that gives the relative velocity (forward/back and side-to-side) and angle to a target docking port, making it much easier to dock.
  • Editor Extensions Redux - Gives more symmetry options, finer part angle control, and other VAB/SPH quality of life features.
  • Historian Expanded - Adds an informative and RO-integrated HUD/infobar to your screenshots. Highly configurable.
  • HyperEdit - Same as stock, good for testing, debugging, and saving yourself from the occasional Kraken attack. (may not be up to date to 1.12)
  • Kerbal Alarm Clock - Integrates with KCT and several RP-1 features to stop warp on alarms. Almost required for deep-space missions. It may help to download Stock Alarm Clock Disabler as well to remove clutter.
  • Kerbal Engineer Redux - As of the release, KER is now compatible with RP-1. This mod is similar to MechJeb, but it has smaller UIs that can display useful information, It may slightly misreport delta-V. (needs to be confirmed)
  • Kerbal Wind - Simulates wind and turbulence, especially useful for realism when flying planes.
  • Kronal Vessel Viewer Continued - Generates crisp orthorhombic projected images of your rockets. You might have to fiddle with your DirectX settings to get it working right.
  • KSP Resonant Orbit Calculator - An easy calculator to determine how large an orbit needs to be to have continuous line of sight between a certain amount of equidistant satellites. Works on all planets.
  • Lunar Transfer Planner - Greatly simplifies the process of planning when to launch a mission to the Moon, almost required for Principia.
  • NavHud - Full-screen navball overlay. Helps a lot with lining up planes for a runway landing, making sure your solar panels are orientated correctly, and docking vessels using its included aligning indicator.
  • MechJeb Dev - A considerably updated version of MechJeb with new features that is not normally accessible on CKAN as it is still in unstable development. Can be accessed on CKAN by going to "Settings", "CKAN settings", hitting "New" under "Metadata Repositories", hitting "MechJeb2-dev", hitting "Add", and then reloading CKAN and searching for "MechJeb2-dev".
  • Precise Maneuver by Morse - Provides an improved GUI to fiddle with your maneuver nodes.
  • TAC Fuel Balancer - This mod allows for easy transfer of fuels between fuel tanks, and balancing of fuels between tanks.
  • Time Control - Similar mechanics to Better Time Warp, but also allows you to pause the physics and use slow-motion.
  • The Janitor's Closet - Very useful for hiding parts in the VAB/SPH that you don't want to use anymore.
  • Trajectories - A useful mod for predicting your landing spot on any celestial body, even accounting for atmospheric drag, lift, and drag. Mostly compatible with Principia.
  • Transfer Window Planner Fork - Nazfib's fork of TWP that allows you to compute transfers to other planets from a non-equatorial orbit. Nearly required for interplanetary maneuvers in RSS.
  • VAB Organizer - with the RP-1 Configs. Adds Subcategory headers within the VAB part list (for ex. Engine types, Country of origin, Tank type)
  • Waypoint Manager - Display waypoints in flight and create custom waypoints. Essential for making targeted landings on other bodies and on Earth.
  • WASD Editor Camera Continued - A very different way to move around in the VAB and SPH, but can make crafting large and complex crafts much easier.
  • Wernher Checklist Continued - Adds a checklist to the VAB that detects if certain parts (solar panels, RCS, parachutes, payload, etc.) are on your vessel before you launch and also adds a pre-flight checklist that you can access while on the pad and in flight. Helps to prevent a mistake from becoming a scrub and having to roll back to the VAB.

§6: The Blacklist: Mods to Avoid

The following is a list of mods, which, despite being commonly recommended for use with RSS/RO/RP-1 (even by CKAN), you may not want to install after all.

  • SCANsat - SCANsat v20.x consumes an extreme amount of memory when used with RSS (Often in excess of 32 GB). If you are using SCANsat, you should disable visual maps by going to the Gamedata/SCANsat/PluginData/Settings.cfg and setting VisibleMapsActive to false, which will help reduce memory usage.
  • Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited (SSTU) - Under no circumstances should you consider using SSTU. It simply doesn't work nor will it ever with RP-1. ROTanks provides some of the functionality you're looking for.
  • Stage Recovery/Flight Manager for Reusable Stages (FMRS)/Booster Guidance - Throws off early-game balance, spams your log, adds lag. Don't use it.
  • Textures Unlimited Recolor Depot (TURD) - Basically useless in RP-1, as you will use mostly Ven's or SXT parts, which this mod doesn't touch. Completely useless if you are using ReStock. Not a hard blacklisting, but generally not worth the extra load times.
  • KRASH - simulations are now handled by RP-1.
  • Rocket Sound Enhancement - Not configured for RO, and will fight with ROWaterfall resulting in MM errors.
  • Engine Lighting Relit - Not configured for RO, and spams the log with error messages.
  • Deadly Reentry - Not needed and may break game physics.

§7: Unlisted Mods

These folders and files contain the configs for nearly every mod that has compatible configs with RO and/or RP-1. These lists should only be used when you want to check if a mod you are considering has (some) compatibility, not as a list for adding new mods to your save, as many of these mods only have a few parts configured.


Note: Just because a mod has configurations with RO, it does not mean it has configurations with RP-1.

RO Dependent Mods

RO Recommended Mods

RO Suggested Mods


Tech Tree Part Browser Data

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