Assistive Robot for Total Knee Arthroplasty
Clone the package
mkdir ~/<ros2_ws>
cd ~/<ros2_ws>/src
git clone
Grant docker permission
sudo groupadd docker
sudo gpasswd -a $USER docker
newgrp docker
Set X11 forwarding
xhost +local:docker
Build the image
Run the image with hardware
Run the image without Arduino
Run the image without hardware
Attach a new terminal to current container
If you encounter "Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified" failure, run X11 forwarding again
xhost +local:docker
If you cannot connect to Arduino
chmod 777 /dev/ttyACM0
Inside docker container
ros2 launch paradocs_control
In another container terminal
ros2 run regpipe_ros pcd_sampipe
Added SAM (segment-anything-2
) to the src
Checkpoints are not included so download them manually.
Note - Only downloads the small and large models. If you want additional models, modify segment-anything-2/checkpoints/