Install required packages for oVirt Engine deployment, generates answerfile and runs engine-setup with it. Optionally the role can update oVirt engine packages.
- engine
- Environment with configured repositories.
- Ansible version 2.4
By default engine-setup uses answer file specific for version of oVirt,
based on ovirt_engine_setup_version
parameter. You can specify own answer file
as ovirt_engine_setup_answer_file_path
- Common options:
Name | Default value | Description |
ovirt_engine_setup_version | 4.2 | Allowed versions: [3.6, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2] |
ovirt_engine_setup_product_type | ovirt-engine | Type of product 'ovirt-engine' or 'rhvm' |
ovirt_engine_setup_package_list | [] | List of extra packages to be installed on engine apart from ovirt-engine package. |
ovirt_engine_setup_answer_file_path | UNDEF | Path to custom answerfile for engine-setup . |
ovirt_engine_setup_organization | UNDEF | Organization name for certificate. |
ovirt_engine_setup_firewall_manager | firewalld | Specify the type of firewall manager to configure on Engine host, following values are availableL: firewalld ,iptables or empty value to skip firewall configuration. |
ovirt_engine_setup_update_setup_packages | False | If True , setup packages will be updated before engine-setup will be executed. Makes sense if Engine is already installed. |
ovirt_engine_setup_update_all_packages | True | If True , all packages will be updated before engine-setup will be executed. |
ovirt_engine_setup_accept_defaults | False | If True default answers will be automatically used in questions that have them during engine-setup . |
ovirt_engine_setup_require_rollback | UNDEF | If True setup will require to be able to rollback new packages in case of a failure. If not passed the default answer from engine-setup will be chosen. Valid for updating/upgrading. |
- Engine Database:
Name | Default value | Description |
ovirt_engine_setup_db_host | localhost | IP address or host name of a PostgreSQL server for Engine database. By default the database will be configured on the same host as Engine. |
ovirt_engine_setup_db_port | 5432 | Engine database port. |
ovirt_engine_setup_db_name | engine | Engine database name. |
ovirt_engine_setup_db_user | engine | Engine database user. |
ovirt_engine_setup_db_password | UNDEF | Engine database password. |
- Engine Data Warehouse Database:
Name | Default value | Description |
ovirt_engine_setup_dwh_db_configure | True | If True the DWH Database will be configured manually. |
ovirt_engine_setup_dwh_db_host | localhost | IP address or host name of a PostgreSQL server for DWH database. By default the DWH database will be configured on the same host as Engine. |
ovirt_engine_setup_dwh_db_port | 5432 | DWH database port. |
ovirt_engine_setup_dwh_db_name | ovirt_engine_history | DWH database name. |
ovirt_engine_setup_dwh_db_user | ovirt_engine_history | DWH database user. |
ovirt_engine_setup_dwh_db_password | UNDEF | DWH database password. |
- OVN related options:
Name | Default value | Description |
ovirt_engine_setup_provider_ovn_configure | true | If True OVN provider will be configured. Valid for ovirt_engine_setup_version >= 4.2 |
ovirt_engine_setup_provider_ovn_username | admin@internal | Username for OVN. |
ovirt_engine_setup_provider_ovn_password | UNDEF | Password for OVN. |
- hosts: engine
# Contains encrypted `ovirt_engine_setup_admin_password` variable using ansible-vault
- passwords.yml
ovirt_engine_setup_version: '4.2'
ovirt_engine_setup_organization: ''
ovirt_engine_setup_admin_password: "{{ ovirt_engine_setup_admin_password }}"
ovirt_repositories_ovirt_release_rpm: ''
- oVirt.repositories
- oVirt.engine-setup