The BMR project in JavaFX is a simple application designed to calculate the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR).
This is a school project, and the project is written in French.
The application follows the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architectural pattern:
Model: Handles the data and logic for calculating BMR and adjusting for activity levels.
View: Created with JavaFX, it provides an interactive and user-friendly graphical interface, allowing users to input their data and view results directly.
Controller: Manages communication between the Model and the View, coordinating inputs and outputs.
The calculation of BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) is based on a different formula depending on the user's gender:
For a woman :
BMR = 9.6 * poids + 1.8 * taille - 4.7 * âge + 655
Pour un homme :
BMR = 13.7 * poids + 5 * taille - 6.8 * âge + 66
The application offers several activity levels, each with a coefficient that adjusts the base BMR to estimate daily caloric needs based on the level of physical activity:
Niveau | Coefficient | Description |
Sédentaire | 1.2 | Peu ou pas d'activité physique |
Peu actif | 1.375 | Activité physique légère |
Actif | 1.55 | Activité physique modérée |
Fort actif | 1.725 | Activité physique intense |
Extrêmement actif | 1.9 | Activité physique très intense |