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A simple TOTP MFA CLI Authenticator


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 3 (GPL-3.0). For the full text of the license, please see the LICENSE file in this repository.

Note: The GPLv3 is a strong copyleft license, and it may affect how you can use, modify, and distribute this software. Be sure to review the license terms and understand your rights and obligations when using this project.


Although I've done my best to make this project as secure as I can, I'm in no way a professional (or even intermediate) cryptographer. This project has not been audited by any professional cryptographers and should therefore be treated as insecure.

Personally, I only use this project from within a Virtual Machine that has no connection to the internet, and I encrypt my mfa_secrets.aes file a second time with the openssl CLI tool before transporting it.

I'm telling you this to show you that even I, the creator of this package, am not risking my TOTP seeds by using this software in an insecure environment (at least until it's formally audited by a security researcher, which will more than likely never happen)


MFA uses pythons built-in cryptography library to encrypt your file with all your seed phrases (refered to as "seed file" in the project) with 256 bit AES in CBC mode, and your password is hashed using the pbkdf2 algorithm with sha256 and 500,000 iterations.

You set your password the first time you interact with the mfa tool and it should stay in your native keychain from there on unless you set it to delete from the keychain in designated intervals. This will then prompt you for the password again the next time you attempt to access your keys which is a much more secure way of doing it, especially if someone gains access to your system (physically or remotely).


My goal with this project is to keep both the code and the CLI options as simple and minimal as possible.

# Commands:
add             # Add a new entry to your seed file
delete          # Delete an entry from your seed file
show            # Show a single name and generated TOTP code
show-all        # Show all the names and generated TOTP codes
show-seed       # Get a seed phrase from your seed file
export-seeds    # Export the seed file content to a file (mfa_export.aes)
import-seeds    # Import a previously exported file, overwriting the existing seeds
lock            # Lock the seed file, AKA remove the password from the keyring
auto-lock       # Start a background script that runs the lock command at user set intervals
config-settings # Change any setting in the config file
export-config   # Export the json config to a file or stdout
import-config   # Import a previously exported json config file

Basic CLI usage

mfa add Apple P5UH5YH4WVYVSMXV # Add a new seed
mfa show Apple # Show a single code
mfa show-all # Show all codes
mfa show-seed Apple # Show a single seed
mfa delete Apple # Delete from seed file

mfa lock # Lock the seed file (removes the decryption key from the keyring)
mfa auto-lock 2 # Starts a background script to lock the seed file every 2 minutes

mfa export-seeds --no-encrypt # Print all seeds unencrypted to stdout
mfa export-seeds > file.aes # Put all seeds encrypted to a file
mfa import-seeds file.aes # Import those seeds on another machine

# Change the seed file path and auto lock interval in the config file directly
mfa config-settings --seed-file-path "/home/user" --auto-lock-interval 6
mfa export-config > config.json # Export your configurations
mfa import-config config.json

Basic programmatic usage

>>> from mfa import mfa
>>> mfa.add(name="Meta", seed="P5UH5TH4XYYVSMXV")
>>> mfa.show_all()
Enter the seed file's decryption key:
{'Apple': '448273', 'Meta': '001084'}
>>> mfa.show_seed("Apple")
>>> mfa.export_seeds(encrypt=False)
{'Apple': 'P5UH5YH4WVYVSMXV', 'Meta': 'P5UH5TH4XYYVSMXV'}
# Can only import seeds from file, may change in the future
>>> mfa.import_seeds("seed_file_path.aes")
>>> mfa.lock() # True if successfuly locked
>>> mfa.auto_lock(5) # Change the auto-locking interval to 5 minutes
>>> mfa.config_settings(seed_file_path="/home/user/secrets_dir", auto_lock_interval=6)
Moving /home/user/mfa_secrets.aes to /home/user/secret_dir
{'auto_lock_interval': 6, 'seed_file_path': '/home/administrator/secret_dir'}
>>> mfa.export_config()
{'auto_lock_interval': 6, 'seed_file_path': '/home/user/secret_dir'}
>>> mfa.export_config(export_file_path="exported_config.json")
>>> mfa.import_config(file_path="exported_config.json")


( The keyrings.alt pypi package is used for testing only )

Setting up the environment

python3 -m venv venv # Create the virtual environment

# Activate the virtual environment in the current terminal
source venv/bin/activate 

pip install -r requirements.txt # Install the required dependencies

Running the application

cd src/mfa


Running unittests

cd src/mfa # Moving to this directory to call the tests is important

python3 -m unittest discover ../../unittests/ "*" # Run all unittests

Packaging for PyPI

# 1. Update the package version in

# 2. Package the project
python3 sdist bdist_wheel

# 3. Upload to PyPI
twine upload dist/*

Packaging for Arch Linux

# Coming soon...


A simple TOTP MFA CLI Authenticator







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