First Stable Release
Changes from upstream
- Exclude apps and watch faces
- Removed Apps: Paint, Paddle, Twos, Dice, Metronome, Navigation
- Removed Watch faces: CasioStyleG7710, Infineat
- Add a new calculator app
- Add a new calendar app
- Update the music apps design
- Add sleep settings
- Increase alarm info button size & set to ring only 30 times instead of 60
- Go to battery screen on charge
- Dynamically change battery icon color with charge percentage in status icons
- Revamp timer
- Add an hour option
- Add ringing and a counter for expired timers
- Only ring to 10, but count to 60
- Add timer's time remaining to status icons
- Allow stopwatch to continue working while app is closed
- Add time since last update to weather app
- Rearrange the apps (from upstream Infinitime)
- Rearrange the settings (from upstream Infinitime)
- Add continuous background heart measurement settings
- Change double click action to open the weather app