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ENH: Add log rank testing #36

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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/Survival.jl
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Expand Up @@ -26,8 +26,9 @@ export


abstract type AbstractEstimator end
abstract type NonparametricEstimator <: AbstractEstimator end
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326 changes: 326 additions & 0 deletions src/kaplanmeier.jl
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Expand Up @@ -53,3 +53,329 @@ dictate whether each time is an observed event or is right censored, compute the
Kaplan-Meier estimate of the survivor function.
"""{KaplanMeier}, times, status)

# Calculate the number at risk in each group and total number of
# events at the given time point 't', which may not be an event time
# in some of the KaplanMeier fits.
function update_km!(km::NTuple{N,KaplanMeier{T}}, t::T, natrisk::Vector,
nevents::Vector) where {N,T}

natrisk .= 0
nevents .= 0
for (j,k) in enumerate(km)
l = searchsortedfirst(k.times, t)
if l > length(k.times)
l -= 1
natrisk[j] = k.natrisk[l]
if k.times[l] == t
nevents[j] = k.nevents[l]

function get_stat(od::Vector, va::Matrix, trend=nothing)
p = length(od) - 1
stat, dof = if isnothing(trend)
# Standard test
od[1:p]' * (va[1:p, 1:p] \ od[1:p]), p
catch SingularException
@warn("Singular covariance encountered in log rank test, using pseudo-inverse")
od[1:p]' * pinv(va[1:p, 1:p]) * od[1:p], p
# Trend test
dot(trend, od)^2 / (trend' * va * trend), 1
return stat, dof

logrank_test(km) -> NamedTuple

Conduct a logrank test for the null hypothesis that n population
survival functions are equal. The parameters here are an arbitrary
number of fitted survival functions of type 'KaplanMeier'.
function logrank_test(km::KaplanMeier...; method=:LogRank, psf=nothing, trend=nothing, fh=[1., 1.])

if method == :FH && isnothing(psf)
error("When method is 'FH', the pooled survival function 'psf' must be provided")

# We are comparing p groups
p = length(km)

# All distinct times across all groups
tu = sort(unique(vcat([k.times for k in km]...)))

# Total events per group
obs = zeros(p)

# Workspace
natrisk, nevents, expval = zeros(p), zeros(p), zeros(p)

# The variance/covariance matrix of the estimates
va = zeros(p, p)

# Accumulate the weights
wtsum = 0.0
wtcount = 0.0

# Dictionary to locate the entry in psf that corresponds
# to each unique time.
psf_ix = Dict{Int,Int}()
if !isnothing(psf)
for i in eachindex(psf.times)
psf_ix[psf.times[i]] = i

for (i,t) in enumerate(tu)

update_km!(km, t, natrisk, nevents)
r = sum(natrisk)
d = sum(nevents)

wt = if method == :LogRank
elseif method == :WBG
elseif method == :TW
elseif method == :FH
i = psf_ix[t]
f = i > 1 ? psf.survival[i-1] : 1
f^fh[1] * (1 - f)^fh[2]
error("Unknown weighting method in logrank_test")
wtsum += wt
wtcount += 1

# Update the expected values
expval .+= d * wt .* natrisk ./ sum(natrisk)

# Update the number of events
obs .+= wt .* nevents

# Update the variance/covariance matrix
if r > 1
f = d*(r-d) / (r^2*(r-1))
for i1 in 1:p
va[i1, i1] += wt^2 * f * natrisk[i1] * (r - natrisk[i1])
for i2 in 1:i1-1
u = wt^2 * f * natrisk[i1] * natrisk[i2]
va[i1, i2] -= u
va[i2, i1] -= u

# Normalize the weights
scale = wtcount ./ wtsum
obs .*= scale
expval .*= scale
va .*= scale.^2

# Compute the test statistic
od = obs - expval
stat, dof = get_stat(od, va, trend)
pvalue = 1 - cdf(Chisq(dof), stat)

return (stat=stat, dof=dof, pvalue=pvalue, observed=obs, expected=expval, var=va)

logrank_test(km) -> NamedTuple

Test the null hypothesis that n population survival functions are
equal using stratified data. The parameter km is a vector of vectors
of fitted survival functions of type 'KaplanMeier'. The outer level
of this vector of vectors corresponds to distinct strata, i.e. km[1]
is the first stratum, km[2] is the second stratum, etc. The inner
level corresponds to groups, i.e. km[2][3] is the third group in the
second stratum. The null hypothesis is that the population survival
functions are equal across all groups within each stratum.
function logrank_test(km::Vector{Vector{KaplanMeier}}; method=:LogRank,
psf=fill(nothing, length(km)), trend=nothing, fh=[1.0, 1.0])

if method == :FH && (nothing in psf)
error("If method is FH, the pooled survival function psf must be provided")

# Conduct a logrank test for each stratum
st = [logrank_test(x...; method=method, psf=ps, fh=fh) for (x, ps) in zip(km, psf)]
observed = sum([x.observed for x in st])
expected = sum([x.expected for x in st])
variance = sum([x.var for x in st])

# Compute the test statistic
od = observed - expected
stat, dof = get_stat(od, variance, trend)
pvalue = 1 - cdf(Chisq(dof), stat)

return (stat=stat, dof=dof, pvalue=pvalue, observed=observed, expected=expected, var=variance)

# Return the indices where a new consecutive run of identical values
# occurs in the sorted array 'v'. The first such index is always 1,
# and the final index length(v) + 1 is included as a sentinel.
function index_splits(v)
jj = [i for i in 2:length(v) if v[i] != v[i-1]]
prepend!(jj, 1)
push!(jj, length(v)+1)
return jj

# Split the 'time' and 'status' vectors according to the distinct
# values in the vector 'group', then fit a Kaplan Meier estimate of
# the survival function for each subset of data thus obtained. Also
# returns the labels of the distinct groups, sorted compatibly with
# the returned vector of KaplanMeier values.
function make_km(time, status, group)

ii = sortperm(group)
time = time[ii]
status = status[ii]
group = group[ii]

jj = index_splits(group)
km = KaplanMeier[]
for j in 1:length(jj)-1
i1, i2 = jj[j], jj[j+1]
k = fit(KaplanMeier, time[i1:i2-1], status[i1:i2-1])
push!(km, k)

return km, unique(group)

# Return a vector of vectors of KaplanMeier values, with the outer
# index corresponding to strata and the inner index corresponding to
# groups. Also returns the unique strata labels, and the unique group
# labels within each stratum.
function make_km(time, status, group, strata)

ii = sortperm(strata)
time = time[ii]
status = status[ii]
group = group[ii]

strat = sort(unique(strata))
groups = []
jj = index_splits(strata)
km = Vector{Vector{KaplanMeier}}()
for j in 1:length(jj)-1
i1, i2 = jj[j], jj[j+1]
kx, g = make_km(time[i1:i2-1], status[i1:i2-1], group[i1:i2-1])
push!(km, kx)
push!(groups, g)

return km, strat, groups

logrank_test(times, status, group) -> NamedTuple

Test the null hypothesis that n population survival functions are
equal. The parameters of the function are vectors containing time
(numeric), status (1=event, 0=censored), and group labels, with the
group labels defining the samples to be compared.
function logrank_test(time, status, group; method=:LogRank, trend=nothing, fh=[1., 1.])

if !(length(time) == length(status) == length(group))
@warn("'time', 'status', and 'group' must have equal lengths")

# Get the survival function pooling over groups
psf = if method == :FH
fit(KaplanMeier, time, status)

km, g = make_km(time, status, group)

trendvec = isnothing(trend) ? nothing : [trend[x] for x in g]

return logrank_test(km...; method=method, psf=psf, trend=trendvec, fh=fh)

# Return a vector containing fitted Kaplan Meier values for the
# distinct values of strata (sorted).
function pooled_km(time::AbstractVector, status::AbstractVector, strata::AbstractVector)
ii = sortperm(strata)
strata = strata[ii]
time = time[ii]
status = status[ii]
jj = index_splits(strata)
ps = KaplanMeier[]
for j in 1:length(jj)-1
j1, j2 = jj[j], jj[j+1]-1
k = fit(KaplanMeier, time[j1:j2], status[j1:j2])
push!(ps, k)
return ps

logrank_test(times, status, group, strata; method, trend, fh) -> NamedTuple

Test the null hypothesis that n population survival functions are
equal, using stratified data. The parameters of the function are
vectors containing time (numeric), status (1=event, 0=censored), group
labels, and strata labels. The null hypothesis being tested is that
the population survival functions are identical across groups within
each stratum.

The 'method' argument determines the weighting used in the test.
Options are :LogRank (all weight are 1, the default), :WBG
(Wilcoxon-Breslow-Gehan, weighting by the number at risk), :TW
(Tarone-Ware, weighting by the square root of the number at risk), and
:FH (Fleming-Harrington, weighting by a function of the pooled
survival function). If method is :FH, then the 'fh' argument is used
to specify the exponents in the weight, which is S^fh[1] * (1 -
S)^fh[2], with S being the estimated survival function at the previous
time point (S is calculated by pooling over groups but calculating
separately by stratum).

The 'trend' argument conducts a trend version of the logrank test. The
value of trend is a dictionary mapping group labels to numeric scores
used to weight the statistic in favor of detecting trends that reflect
the scores.
function logrank_test(time, status, group, strata; method=:LogRank, trend=nothing, fh=[1.0, 1.0])

if !(length(time) == length(status) == length(group) == length(strata))
@warn("'time', 'status', 'group', and 'strata' must have equal lengths")

km, _, g = make_km(time, status, group, strata)

# Get the pooled survival function for each
# stratum (pooling over groups within strata).
psf = if method == :FH
pooled_km(time, status, strata)
fill(nothing, length(km))

trendvec = nothing
if !isnothing(trend)
for j in eachindex(g)
if !all(g[j] .== g[1])
@warn("Some strata do not have observations from all groups")
trendvec = [trend[x] for x in g[1]]

return logrank_test(km; method=method, psf=psf, trend=trendvec, fh=fh)