I'm an Electronics Engineering student with a passion for integrating technology and innovation. I have a strong foundation in analog & digital design, power electronics, and telecommunications. My journey includes hands-on experience in robotics, Deep Learning, and image processing.
In software development, I possess skills in full-stack development, database management, and data analysis. I've led projects in IoT, control systems, and bioengineering, and have designed and built 3D printers. Always eager to learn, I’m excited to tackle new challenges and push the boundaries of technology! 🚀🤖
Developing Websites in CMS and creating automations with AI in Workflows and Chatbots
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on:
Fullstack/Frontend/Backend projects
🌱 I’m currently learning:
Angular, Pytorch and ROS
⚡ Fun fact:
I enjoy designing and printing 3D objects, and continually learning and creating new things.