My Therapist App is designed with the independent therapist and their practice in mind. The app will include views for the therapist (authorization required), for clients (authorization required), and for the public (non-authenticated users).
My vision for this app comes from a desire to see better and wholistic web site, scheduling, blogging, and client management options that are accessible to the independent Licensed Massage Therapist. While My Awesome Therapist is designed with Massage Therapists in mind, it can quite easily be modified for other therapists.
As a former Licensed Massage Therapist, I was disappointed in the lack of truly professional and wholistic options when it came to online scheduling systems and "build-a-site" options available for the Massage Therapist.
I wanted to create an app that would make it simpler for the Therapist to manage their own schedule and client database while also including a landing page, services menu, and a blog all in one unified application.
My final stack included:
- JavaScript
- ReactJS
- jQuery
- MomentJS
- Firebase
- CSS3 / FlexBox
- Sass
- webpack
Also used Tyler McGinnis' Firebase-React NPM package called ReBase. Find it here on GitHub. Shout out to Tyler for helping me get past an initial (user error on my part) glich! :)
Joni Weiss Tyler McGinnis (Author, Re-Base)
Joni Weiss, MIT