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To manager many env files.


# Initialize some environments
$ cat `FOO=biz` > .envs/staging
$ cat `FOO=taz` > .envs/rc

# Initialize the template file (Optional)
$ cat 'PORT=300\nFOO=' > .envs/template

# Now choice one
$ envctl use staging

Install with brew

brew install jondotsoy/core/envctl


  1. Make your sources write many .envs/<source_name> files.
  2. Write your template on .env.template


# find .*
  1. Now run the next command envctl use <staging|rc1|rc2> to write the final .env file and enjoy.


The template is used to make a .env file in the workspace directory. This file is filed with the envctl use command.

For security, the envctl use command never adds variables to the final .env file.

Templates locations:

The envctl use find the template on the next alternatives:

  • .envs/template
  • .env.template
  • .env.sample
  • .env.example

If a template does not exist, it will try to use the .env file as a template. This strategy is so useful to update the template only on local.


A source is used to fill a template and make the final .env file.

Those are valid sources:

  • .foo.env
  • .envs/foo
  • .envs/.foo
  • .envs/foo.env
  • .envs/.foo.env

Use that you prefer.

Preferably, add .envs/ on your .gitignore file to prevent pushing the secrets.