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Plan For The Software

  • Clients connect to the server and start a competition session.
  • Server is controlled by another client that is connecting to another page of the server (with authentication).
    • From now on, this controlling client is referred to as the competition facilitator
  • Competition facilitator sets up tournament (sending info to the server)
    • Determining how many matches and what type and brackets and stuff
  • Clients join the session with the server at the start of every match
  • For each match, competition facilitator loads the test
  • Before match begins, competition facilitator checks everything is good
  • Send the questions to the clients depending on how the test is configured by competition facilitator
  • Clients take the test, competition facilitator monitors
  • Once both have finished/time limit, score is computed automagically and a winner is determined
  • Rinse and repeat until all matches in the tournament are done


Pre-competition setup

  • Server is started up and confirmed to work over LAN.
  • Competition Facilitator connects to server and opens the tournament setup page.
  • In this page, they configure their tournament event.
    • Determines the type of tournament here.
      • Bracket based (requiring competitor number equal to 2^n).
      • Placement based (any number of competitors, given placements).
        • One test that rules them all.
        • Multiple tests conducted.
        • Either way, tests MUST be done at the same time to ensure integrity of the competition (no async testing).
    • Create all competitors and assign their names and ids. Generate a sign on key for each competitor.
  • From this point, tournament is ready and the competition facilitator can edit the competition or start matches.

Conducting the competition

  • Competition Facilitator starts one of the matches, opening the pre-match menu for that match
  • Competition facilitator loads a test for that match, determining any other settings such as scoring
    • System for synchronous hosting of matches if another competition facilitator connects to the server and starts or opens another match
  • In pre-match, competitors connect to the server and verify their name using the sign on key provided to the competition facilitator
  • Competition facilitator sees what competitors have been associated with a client (team has signed in) and when ready can start the contest

Match Start:

  • Each competitor client is sent the test and shown a list of questions.
  • For each question, the user can submit a response to the server
  • Server verifies that the answer is correct (answer is never stored client side except in the case of showing one answer in a multiple choice question)
  • Server returns the result to the client and stores it for later scoring.
    • Other clients are informed that the opposing team has answered the question (or otherwise that they tried and failed)
  • Once the end condition has been met, clients are notified by server and the match is ended

Post Match:

  • Each competitor's results are processed by the server to determine score.
  • Competition facilitator is first shown results to verify, they have to confirm the results for them to be sent to the clients.
  • Server records the winner and updates brackets if necessary.

Feature Requirements


  • Single elimination bracket
  • Free for all
    • One match to win them all
    • Multiple matches with scores totaled at the end