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Vyacheslav Lukianov edited this page Dec 3, 2020 · 31 revisions

The Environments layer provides the lowest-level API available. Environment encapsulates one or more stores that contain data. This encapsulation lets you perform read and modify operations against multiple stores within a single transaction.

In short, Environment is a transactional key-value storage. Store is a named collection of key/value pairs. If a Store is not allowed to contain duplicate keys, then it is a map. Otherwise, it is a multi-map. Also, Store can be thought as a table with two columns, one for keys and another for values. Both keys and values are managed using instances of ByteIterable. You can use cursors to iterate over a Store, for example, to find the nearest key or key/value pair. All operations can only be performed within a transaction. The API and implementation live in the jetbrains.exodus.env package.

Data Environments
    Traversing key/value Pairs
    Navigating to Keys and Values
    Deleting key/value Pairs
    Range Search

Data Environments

To open an Environment, create an instance of Environment with the help of the Environments utility class.

Environment env = Environments.newInstance("/home/me/.myAppData");

This method opens an existing database or creates a new database in the directory that is passed as a parameter. It is not possible to share a single database directory between different environments. Any attempt to do this (from within any process, current or not) fails.

This method creates an Environment with default settings. To open an Environment with custom settings, use the EnvironmentConfig class. For example, to open an environment with garbage collection disabled:

Environment env = Environments.newInstance("/home/me/.myAppData", new EnvironmentConfig().setGcEnabled(false));

If you want to bind transactions to Java threads using the Environments class, you can also open a ContextualEnvironment:

ContextualEnvironment env = Environments.newContextualInstance("/home/me/.myAppData");

A contextual environment is always aware of the transaction that is started in the current thread. The getCurrentTransaction() method returns the instance of a transaction that is created in current thread, if it exists. The getAndCheckCurrentTransaction() method returns a not-null instance of the current transaction or throws ExodusException if there is no transaction.

When you are finished working with the Environment, you should close it:


Before closing the Environment, all transactions created against it should be finished (committed or aborted). By default, it will fail if this requirement is not met.


Transaction is required for any access to data in the database. Any transaction holds a database snapshot (a version of the database), thus providing snapshot isolation.

All changes made in a transaction are atomic and consistent if they are successfully flushed or committed. Along with snapshot isolation and configurable durability, transactions are fully ACID-compliant. By default, transaction durability is turned off since it significantly slows down Transaction.flush() and Transaction.commit(). To turn it on, pass true to EnvironmentConfig.setLogDurableWrite().

Transactions can be read-only or not. Use read-only transactions to read and not update data. Transactions can also be exclusive. Use exclusive transactions to have successive access to the database. If you have an exclusive transaction, no other transaction (except read-only) can be started against the same Environment unless you finish (commit or abort) the exclusive transaction.

Given that you have an instance of Environment, you can start a new transaction:

final Transaction txn = environment.beginTransaction();

To start a read-only transaction:

final Transaction txn = environment.beginReadonlyTransaction();

Any attempt to modify data in a read-only transaction fails with ReadonlyTransactionException.

To start an exclusive transaction:

final Transaction txn = environment.beginExclusiveTransaction();

Any transaction should be finished, meaning that it is either aborted or committed. To finish a read-only transaction, abort it. A transaction can also be flushed or reverted. The methods commit() and flush() return true if they succeed. If any method returns false, a database version mismatch has occurred. In this case, there are two possibilities: to abort the transaction and finish or revert the transaction and continue. Reverting the transaction moves it to the latest (newest) database snapshot, and database operations can be repeated against it. Thus, we get a kind of optimistic spinning:

final Transaction txn = beginTransaction();
try {
    while (true) {
        // do something
        if (txn.flush()) {
} finally {

This cycle is exactly the body of the Environment.executeInTransaction() method. The Environment.executeInReadonlyTransaction() method does not spin in this manner, as it cannot result in a database version mismatch:

final Transaction txn = beginReadonlyTransaction();
try {
} finally {

The methods Environment.computeInTransaction() and Environment.computeInReadonlyTransaction() let you compute and return a result in a transaction.

To execute a TransactionalExecutable or compute a TransactionalComputable in an exclusive transaction, use the Environment.executeInExclusiveTransaction() and Environment.computeInExclusiveTransaction() methods.


Any key and value should be a ByteIterable. A ByteIterable is a mix of iterable and array. It lets you lazily enumerate bytes without boxing. On the other hand, you can get its length using the getLength() method. Generally, iterating over bytes of ByteIterable is performed by means of getting ByteIterator. Multiple ByteIterables are comparable. The order of a ByteIterable is defined like this:

public static int compare(@NotNull final ByteIterable key1, @NotNull final ByteIterable key2) {
    return compare(key1.getBytesUnsafe(), key1.getLength(), key2.getBytesUnsafe(), key2.getLength());

public static int compare(@NotNull final byte[] key1, final int len1, @NotNull final byte[] key2, final int len2) {
    final int min = Math.min(len1, len2);
    for (int i = 0; i < min; i++) {
        final byte b1 = key1[i];
        final byte b2 = key2[i];
        if (b1 != b2) {
            return (b1 & 0xff) - (b2 & 0xff);

    return (len1 - len2);

There are several built-in byte iterables:


Bindings are used to represent comparable Java objects as a ByteIterable. There are several inheritors of the ComparableBinding class that let you serialize the value of any Java primitive type or java.lang.String to a ByteIterable, as well as deserialize a ByteIterable to a value. Bindings save the order of values. This means that the greater the value, the greater the ByteIterable entry. All inheritors of the ComparableBinding class contain two static methods: one for getting the ByteIterable entry from a value, and another for getting value from an entry. For example, ByteBinding contains the following methods:

public static byte entryToByte(@NotNull final ByteIterable entry);

public static ArrayByteIterable byteToEntry(final byte object);

StringBinding serializes java.lang.String objects to UTF-8 zero-terminated entries.

IntegerBinding and LongBinding serialize values to entries of lengths of 4 and 8, respectively. In addition, these classes have a pair of methods for serialization/deserialization of non-negative values to/from compressed entries:

public static ArrayByteIterable intToCompressedEntry(final int object);

public static int compressedEntryToInt(@NotNull final ByteIterable entry);

public static ArrayByteIterable longToCompressedEntry(final long object);

public static long compressedEntryToLong(@NotNull final ByteIterable bi);

The lower the value, the shorter the compressed entry. In some cases, compressed entries let you significantly decrease database size. Serialization of non-negative integers and longs to compressed entries also saves the order of values.


To open a store, you need an instance of Environment and an open transaction. Stores can be opened with and without duplicate keys, with and without key prefixing. This is controlled by the StoreConfig enum. For example, with a store name "MyStore" and txn as an instance of Transaction:

// opening a store without key duplicates and without prefixing
Store store = env.openStore("MyStore", StoreConfig.WITHOUT_DUPLICATES, txn);
// opening a store with key duplicates and without prefixing
store = env.openStore("MyStore", StoreConfig.WITH_DUPLICATES, txn);
// opening a store without key duplicates and with prefixing
store = env.openStore("MyStore", StoreConfig.WITHOUT_DUPLICATES_WITH_PREFIXING, txn);
// opening a store with key duplicates and with prefixing
store = env.openStore("MyStore", StoreConfig.WITH_DUPLICATES_WITH_PREFIXING, txn);

If the "MyName" store doesn't exist, it is created after the transaction is flushed or committed. If it is known that a store definitely exists, it can be opened with the StoreConfig.USE_EXISTING configuration. In this case, you don't need to know whether the store can have duplicate keys or was created with key prefixing.

Stores with and without key prefixing are implemented by different types of search trees. Patricia trie is the type of search tree for stores with key prefixing, and a kind of B+tree - for stores without key prefixing. These differ in performance characteristics: stores with key prefixing have better random key access, whereas stores without key prefixing are preferable for sequential access in order of keys.

Stores are rather stateless objects, so they can be shared in multi-threaded environments. The only exceptions are the Environment.truncateStore(), Environment.removeStore(), and Environment.clear() methods. After truncating, any store should be re-opened, after removing it just cannot be used. Clearing the environment makes it empty, all the data will be lost. You can open a store for each database operation, but it results in some performance overhead. The Store.close() method is deprecated and has no effect.


You can use the following methods to write key/value pairs:

  • put()
    Puts a key/value pair into the store and returns the result. For stores with key duplicates, it returns true if the pair didn't exist in the store. For stores without key duplicates, it returns true if the key didn't exist or the new value differs from the existing one.
  • putRight()
    This method is very similar to the put() method. It can be used if it is certain that the key is definitely greater than any other key in the store. In that case, no search is been done before insertion, so putRight() can perform several times faster than put(). It can be useful for auto-generated keys.
  • add()
    Adds a key/value pair to the store if the key doesn't exist. For stores with and without key duplicates, it returns true if and only if the key doesn't exist. It never overwrites the value of an existing key.


Getting a value by a key can be done using the get() method. For stores without key duplicates, it returns a not-null value or null if the key doesn't exist. For stores with key duplicates, it returns the smallest not-null value associated with the key or null if no key exists. To check if a key/value pair exists in the store, use the exists() method. To get the total number of key/value pairs in the store, use the count() method. For more complex reading access, use Cursors, which have a richer API and are better to use.


Use the delete() method to delete a key/value pair by a key. For stores without key duplicates, it deletes a single key/value pair and returns true if a pair was deleted. For stores with key duplicates, it deletes all pairs with the given key and returns true if any were deleted. To implement complex deletion cases, use Cursors.


ContextualStore is a Store created by a ContextualEnvironment. Just like ContextualEnvironment, it is aware of the transaction that is started in the current thread. ContextualStore overloads all Store's methods with the methods that don't accept a transaction instance.

final ContextualEnvironment env = Environments.newContextualInstance("/home/me/.myAppData");
final ContextualStore store = env.openStore("MyStore", StoreConfig.WITHOUT_DUPLICATES);
final ByteIterable value = store.get(stringToEntry("myKey"));

In this snippet, the get() method doesn't accept the transaction and instead calls ContextualEnvironment.getAndCheckCurrentTransaction() to get a transaction instance that is associated with current thread.


Cursors allow access to key/value pairs in both successive and random order. Cursor can be opened for a Store in a transaction. Finally, any cursor should always be closed. The cursor interface is AutoCloseable, so it's easy to use cursors with the try-with-resources statement.

Traversing key/value Pairs

try (Cursor cursor = store.openCursor(txn)) {
    while (cursor.getNext()) {
        cursor.getKey();   // current key
        cursor.getValue(); // current value

This code sample demonstrates traversing all key/value pairs of given store in ascending order. First, the getNext() method sets a cursor to hold the first (leftmost) pair. Subsequent calls to getNext() move the cursor to the right. Use the getKey() and getValue() methods to get data of the key/value pair that is currently held by the cursor. To traverse all of the pairs in descending order, replace getNext() with the getPrev() method:

try (Cursor cursor = store.openCursor(txn)) {
    while (cursor.getPrev()) {
        // ...

In these samples, all the keys are unique if the store has no duplicate keys. For stores with duplicate keys, it is also possible to traverse unique keys:

try (Cursor cursor = store.openCursor(txn)) {
    while (cursor.getNextNoDup()) {
        cursor.count(); // count() returns the number of key/value pairs with current key.

The getNextNoDup() method moves the cursor to the next key/value pair with a different key. The count() method returns the number of key/value pairs with the current key. For stores without duplicate keys, it always returns 1.

Navigating to Keys and Values

For stores with duplicate keys, you can search for a given key and traverse all key/value pairs with the same key:

try (Cursor cursor = store.openCursor(txn)) {
    final ByteIterable v = cursor.getSearchKey(key);
    if (v != null) {
        // there is a value for specified key, the variable v contains the leftmost value
        while (cursor.getNextDup()) {
            // this loop traverses all pairs with the same key, values differ on each iteration

For stores with duplicate keys, you can search for a given key and value:

try (Cursor cursor = store.openCursor(txn)) {
    if (cursor.getSearchBoth(key, value)) {
        // cursor moved to specified pair

Deleting key/value Pairs

For stores with duplicate keys, you can't delete given key/value pair with Store methods. The Cursor method lets you navigate to a specified key/value pair and delete it:

try (Cursor cursor = store.openCursor(txn)) {
    if (cursor.getSearchBoth(key, value)) {

Range Search

Cursors let you navigate to the nearest key or key/value pair which is equal to or greater than specified one. For this, use the following methods:

  • getSearchKeyRange()
    Moves the cursor to the first pair in the store whose key is equal to or greater than the specified key. It returns a not-null value if it succeeds or null if nothing is found.
  • getSearchBothRange()
    Moves the cursor to the first pair in the store whose key matches the specified key and whose value is equal to or greater than the specified value. If the store supports duplicate keys, then on matching the key, the cursor is moved to the duplicate pair with the smallest value that is equal to or greater than the specified value. Like the getSearchKeyRange() method, it returns not-null value if it succeeds or null if nothing is found.