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Kotlin 2.1.10

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@KotlinBuild KotlinBuild released this 27 Jan 10:21



  • KT-73858 Compose / iOS: NullPointerException on building
  • KT-73454 K2: Fix type parameters mapping for typealiases with inner RHS
  • KT-73043 K2 Compiler does not allow references to inner constructors with typealiases
  • KT-74040 Compilation of inner class usage does not check the visibility of parent class during compilation in different rounds
  • KT-73339 K2: "VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack" because of missing implicit cast on generic field receiver with star projection
  • KT-72585 K2: Compilation failure when upgrading to Kotlin 2.0.20+: Cannot replace top-level type with star projection: S
  • KT-73399 compile-time JVM codegen failure on a KProperty argument of a KSuspendFunction parameter
  • KT-72725 KMP: Unsupported actualization of inherited java field in expect class
  • KT-73153 K2: Standalone diagnostics on type arguments are not reported

Compose compiler

  • CMP-5680 Compose compiler: unexpected stability warnings for classes compiled with 2.0.10
  • b/381407900 Avoid adding Compose annotations on synthetic classes

IR. Inlining

  • KT-73981 [2.1.10] Suppress checkIncorrectCrossFileDeclarationAccess warning for Compose <class>$stable field access


  • KT-70778 Kotlin Js companion is undefined in production build
  • KT-73130 KJS: Missed break for do/while in generated JS code
  • KT-58797 Optimize the code generated for objects on JS and Wasm backends


  • KT-70146 [KLIB Resolve] Don't fail on nonexistent transitive dependency
  • KT-73951 Workaround for "Partial linkage engine may not patch some discrepancies in IR when compiling Kotlin/Native static caches" in 2.1.10


  • KT-73559 K/Native: AndroidNativeArm64 linking fails starting from Kotlin 2.1.0

Tools. CLI

  • KT-73967 JDK 25: "IllegalArgumentException: 25-ea" with EA builds

Tools. Daemon

  • KT-73311 "Unable to release compile session, maybe daemon is already down" flakiness

Tools. Gradle

  • KT-73728 'generatePomFileForMavenPublication' creates pom with dependencies with 'unspecified' version

Tools. Gradle. Multiplatform

  • KT-73620 KMP 2.1.0: Transitive dependency is broken when setting publication groupId

Tools. Gradle. Native

  • KT-73572 [Gradle] kotlin.native.cacheKind=none doesn't work anymore
  • KT-71419 Light bundle KGP IT run against a stable K/N version