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stackage implements flexible stack and condition types with useful features


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stackage implements flexible general-use Stack and Condition types with many useful features. It can be used to create object-based Boolean statements, abstract mathematical constructs, simple lists and much more: the possibilities are endless!


This package is now archived. The API is stable and no additional work is required. Enjoy!


The main goal of this package is provide an extremely reliable and accommodating stack/condition solution that is suitable for use in virtually any conceivable Go-based scenario in which objects of these types are needed. While extremely extensible and flexible, it should always be possible to use this package with no need for additional (non main) code while operating in extremely simple scenarios.


  • Stack instances are either LIFO (stack based, default) or FIFO (queue based)
    • FIFO is First-In/First-Out (like a line at your favorite deli: first come, first serve)
    • LIFO is Last-In/First-Out (like those plate-stacking apparatuses found in restaurant kitchens, in which the first plate inserted shall be the last plate removed)
  • Flexible Stack configuration controls, allowing custom stringer presentation, sorting closures, push controls and validity-checking policies to be imposed
  • Recursive design - Stacks can reside in Stacks. Conditions can reside in Stacks. Conditions can contain other Stacks. Whatever!
    • Eligible values are easily navigated using the Stack.Traverse method using an ordered sequence of indices, or slice index numbers
    • Conversely, recursion capabilities can also be easily disabled per instance!
  • Observable - flexible logging facilities, using the log package are available globally, or on a per-instance basis
  • Interrogable - Stacks and Conditions extend many interrogation features, allowing the many facets and "states" of an instance to be queried simply
  • Resilient - Stack writeability can be toggled easily, allowing safe (albeit naïve) read-only operation without the need for mutexing
  • Fluent-style - Types which offer methods for cumulative configuration are written in fluent-form, allowing certain commands to be optionally "chained" together
  • Extensible
    • Logical operator framework allows custom operators to be added for specialized expressions, instead of the package-provided ComparisonOperator constants
    • Users can add their own Evaluator function to perform computational tasks, value interrogation, matching procedures ... pretty much anything you could imagine
  • Stack instances are (independently) MuTeX capable, thanks to the sync package
    • Recursive locking mechanisms are NOT supported due to my aversion to insanity
  • Adopters may create a type alias of the Condition and/or Stack types
  • Fast, reliable, useful, albeit very niche


The stackage package, from go-stackage, is released under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file in the repository root, or click the License badge above, for complete details.

Type Aliasing

When needed, users may opt to create their own derivative alias types of either the Stack or Condition types for more customized use in their application.

The caveat, naturally, is that users will be expected to wrap all of the package-provided methods (e.g.: String, Push, Pop, etc) they intend to use.

However, the upside is that the user may now write (extend) wholly new methods that are unique to their own application, and without having to resort to potentially awkward measures, such as embedding.

To create a derivative type based on the Stack type, simply do something similar to the following example in your code:

type MyStack stackage.Stack

// Here we extend a wholly new function. The input and output signatures
// are entirely defined at the discretion of the author and are shown in
// "pseudo code context" here.
func (r MyStack) NewMethodName([input signature]) [<output signature>] {
	// your custom code, do whatever!

// Here we wrap a pre-existing package-provided function, String, that
// one would probably intend to use.
// To run the actual String method, we need to first CAST the custom
// type (r, MyStack) to a bonafide stackage.Stack instance as shown
// here. Unlike the above example, this is NOT "pseudo code" and will
// compile just fine.
// Repeat as needed for other methods that may be used.
func (r MyStack) String() string {
 	// return the result from a "TYPE CAST -> EXEC" call
	return stackage.Stack(r).String()

// For added convenience, adopters can write their own private "cast"
// method for quick transformation back to the derived Stack type.
// This allows easy access to base methods which the adopter has not
// explicitly wrapped.
func (r MyStack) cast() stackage.Stack {
	return stackage.Stack(r)

The procedure would be identical for a Condition alias -- just change the name and the derived stackage type from the first example line and modify as desired.

If you'd like to see a more complex working example of this concept in the wild, have a look at the go-aci package, which makes heavy use of derivative stackage types.

Equality Assertion

This package supports deep-level equality assertions between stackage instances, even if they are derivative types. For instance, given a CustomStack instance (derived from Stack) and a native Stack instance with effectively identical contents, the assertion returns true.

There are two (2) modes of operation: default or custom closure.


When operating in default mode, an equality assertion between the receiver and the input instance operates under the following conditions:

  • All Go primitives (numbers, bool and string) are compared as-is
  • If both values are explicit nil, true is returned
  • Invalid instances return false in all cases
  • All pointer instances are dereferenced -- regardless of reference depth (e.g.: **string, *string, etc. become string) -- and then rechecked
  • Stack, Stack-alias, Condition and Condition-alias types utilize their respective IsEqual method
  • Structs are compared based on non-private field configuration, field order and underlying values; anonymous (embedded) fields are permitted
  • Slices and Arrays are compared based on capacity, length, order and content only; the assertion process does not distinguish between the two types
  • Maps are compared based on matching length, keys and values
  • Functions and methods are compared based on their pointer addresses -- or, as a fallback, their respective I/O signatures; this allows distinct closures of like-signatures to qualify
  • Channels, UnsafePointers and Uintptrs are compared as-is
  • Interfaces are de-enveloped and then rechecked

Marshaling and unmarshaling

This package supports marshaling and unmarshaling of Stack instances which contain any combination of values, including those equal to, or derived from, Stack and Condition types.

There are two (2) modes of operation: default or custom closure.


The default (or "generalized") mode operates using a Stack instance and an instance of []any. In the context of marshaling, the []any instance serves as the user-provided input value for Stack.Marshal. In the context of unmarshaling, the []any type is that which is returned following use of Stack.Unmarshal. In this context, the []any instance is essential bidirectional.

The top-level []any structure uses nested instances of []any to represent a Condition as well as AND, OR, NOT, LIST and BASIC Stack types. These Stack types maybe differentiated through use of such string labels as the first slice of a stack. For instance:

// Equivalent to And().Push("element_0","element_1")
var ex1 []any = []any{"AND",

// Equivalent to And().Push("option_0", Or().Push("element_0","element_1"))
var ex2 []any = []any{"AND",

// Equivalent to And().Push(Cond("Keyword",Eq,int32(54)),Cond("AltKeyword",Gt,int32(88)))
var ex3 []any = []any{"AND",
	[]any{"CONDITION","Keyword", Eq, int32(54)},
	[]any{"CONDITION","AltKeyword", Gt, int32(88)},

Custom closure

Custom closure functions or methods may be set using the Stack.SetMarshaler and/or Stack.SetUnmarshaler methods.

By authoring closures using the Marshaler and/or Unmarshaler first-class signatures, end users may essentially implement their own handlers to override the default behavior.

For example, one might write a Marshaler that converts []string instances to LIST Stack instances, while performing special handling upon certain values if need be:

var closure Marshaler = func(in []any) (out Stack, err error) {
	out = List()

	// In this example, we only care about the
	// first value
	if len(in) >= 1 {
		switch tv := in[0].(type) {
		case []string:
			for i := 0; i < len(tv); i++ {
				// this is where one might introduce
				// special value handling, i.e.: itoa
				// and others.



// With our closure in hand, we can assign it on any Stack meant to hold
// such content:

The []any instance, unlike the default operating mode, is simply used as the outer envelope for a Stack abstraction. Users may structure the contents using any methodology desired.