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Welcome to the SA_BACKUP wiki!

Backup and Restoration Requirements

Security Analytics uses settings and configuration information that is stored in databases and files. This section describes the data needs to be backed up to be able to restore service if the organisation experiences a failure or outage, and also identifies the data and components used by the RSA Security Analytics that need to be backed up separately. Note: This document does not describe how to back up and recover the packets/logs and meta data.

Settings and Configuration

The following table identifies the settings and configuration information of the SA that need to be backed up.

Type of data Where stored Description
Topology configuration information Mongo DB on the SA sever SA Host, Services, and Groups information.
User accounts information Standalone H2 Platform DB file on the SA server (/var/lib/netwitness/uax/db/platform.h2.db) Central repository of Users, Users groups, and Roles.
SA server configuration information Standalone H2 platform DB file. Mongo DB on the SA server. Configuration files (under /var/lib/netwitness/uax/) SA server system settings and configuration data: Live, security configuration and permissions, password policy, role mapping, pam authentication, logging, ldap binding, global audit, global notification configuration, web server certificates, scheduler, enrichment sources, index configuration, table map configuration, etc.
Puppet infrastructure configuration information Configuration files (/etc/puppet/) and Mongo DB on the SA server Puppet master configuration and modules, ssl files. Puppet agent configuration data.
Core SA services configuration information Configuration files on the core appliance (/etc/netwitness/ng/*) Core services (log collector, decoder, concentrator, broker, warehouse connector, archiver) configuration information, lockbox
Licenses information Mongo DB on the SA server SA service licenses and licenses stats.
Event Stream Analysis Mongo DB on the SA server (ESA rules). Mongo DB on the ESA server (Alarms). Configuration files under /opt/rsa/esa/ on the ESA server. ESA settings and configuration information, rules and alerts.
Intelligence information Mongo DB on the SA server, Feeds, enrichment sources configuration
System monitoring configuration Mongo DB on the SA server, Configuration files under /opt/rsa/sms/ on the SA server Health and wellness stats, policies, and settings. Event source monitoring database, policies and settings.
Reporting engine configuration information Reporting engine directory on the SA server Rules, reports definitions, charts
Operating system configuration Files under /etc/ Network, NICs, hosts, NTP, Kerberos, partition, NS configuration.
SA runtime information RabbitMQ server on the SA server System stats.

The following table describes the minimal backup configurations of components for every appliance type.

Appliance Component Required to backup
SA Server Puppet master/agent Required
OS configuration files Required
RabbitMQ server Required
MongoDB database Required
SA server (Jetty) Required
Reporting Engine Required
PostgreSQL database Not in use
Incident Management server configuration Optional
Core Service configuration information (Broker) Required
System Management Server Required
Malware Analysis Optional
Customised and extra files Optional
Core SA services Puppet agent Required
(Log Hybrid, Log Decoder, Concentrator, Broker, Warehouse Connector) OS configuration files Required
Warehouse Connector database Not required
RabbitMQ server Not required
Log Collector database Not required
Core Appliance Services Required
Event Stream Analysis Puppet agent Required
OS configuration files Required
RabbitMQ server Not required
MongoDB database Not required
PostgreSQL database Not in use
Event Stream Analysis configuration Required
Core Appliance Services Not required
Remote Virtual Log Collector Puppet agent Required
OS configuration files Required
RabbitMQ server Not required
Log Collector database Not required
Core Appliance Services Required

The components details are listed in the table below:

Component Description File / Direcrtory to backup Exclusion list Services restarted
OS configuration files /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*[0-9] - HWADDR is disabled None
/etc/fstab - renamed to fstab.{hostname} to prevent overwriting the original fstab on restore
Puppet master/agent Puppet infrastructure configuration and data files. /var/lib/puppet /var/lib/puppet/lib puppetmaster
Puppet master on the SA server. /var/lib/puppet/node_id /var/lib/puppet/bucket puppet
Puppet agent on every SA host. /var/lib/puppet/reports collectd
/etc/puppet mcollective
Malware Analysis Configuration files and DB. /var/lib/netwitness/rsamalware jetty/javadoc rsaMalwareDevice
RabbitMQ server Configuration (managed by puppet) and database files. /var/lib/rabbitmq rabbitmq-server
MongoDB Entire dump of the mongodb instance of SA. This includes the following DBs: tokuumx (on ESA)
*MongoDB on the ESA is not require as contains ESA alerts and SA Incident Management database asg – Host and services repository
esm – Event Source monitoring
sms – System Management Server
les – Licenses stats
puppet – Puppet nodes repository
sa – Entitelements, ESA inventory, ESA rules library, Enrichment sources, Meta types, Output actions, Output templates, etc.
Security Analytics server SA server and Jetty server configuration files: /var/lib/netwitness/uax /var/lib/netwitness/uax/temp jettysrv
- Platform H2 DB /var/lib/netwitness/uax/trustedStorage
- Jetty keystore /opt/rsa/jetty9/etc/keystore /var/lib/netwitness/uax/cache
- Configuration files /opt/rsa/jetty9/etc/jetty-ssl.xml /var/lib/netwitness/uax/yum
/opt/rsa/carlos/keystore /var/lib/netwitness/uax/logs/*_index
Reporting Engine Configuration files /home/rsasoc/rsa/soc/reporting-engine formattedReports rsasoc_re
Incident Management Configuration files /opt/rsa/im log rsa-im
Core Appliance Services Configuration files /etc/netwitness/ng Geo*.dat none
System Management Server Configuration files /opt/rsa/sms log rsa-sms
Warehouse Connector Warehouse connector stats database and temporary avro files /var/netwitness/warehouseconnector core.* nwwarehouseconnector
Log Collector Log Collector stats database /var/netwitness/logcollector core.* nwlogcollector
Event Stream Analysis Configuration files /opt/rsa/esa/ log rsa-esa
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