Techniques, tools, best practices and everything you need to to learn machine learning!
This is a comprehensive repository containing 30+ notebooks on Python programming, data manipulation, data analysis, data visualization, data cleaning, classical machine learning, Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing(NLP).
All notebooks were created with the readers in mind. Every notebook starts with a high-level overview of any specific algorithm/concepts being covered. Wherever possible, visuals are used to make things clear.
The easiest way to view all the notebooks is to use Nbviewer.
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The following are the tools that are covered in the notebooks. They are popular tools that machine learning engineers and data scientists need in one way or another and day to day.
Python is a high level programming language that has got a lot of popularity in the data community and with the rapid growth of the libraries and frameworks, this is a right programming language to do ML.
NumPy is a scientific computing tool used for array or matrix operations.
Pandas is a great and simple tool for analyzing and manipulating data from a variety of different sources.
Matplotlib is a comprehensive data visualization tool used to create static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python.
Seaborn is another data visualization tool built on top of Matplotlib which is pretty simple to use.
Scikit-Learn: Instead of building machine learning models from scratch, Scikit-Learn makes it easy to use classical models in a few lines of code. This tool is adapted by almost the whole of the ML community and industries, from the startups to the big techs.
TensorFlow and Keras for neural networks: TensorFlow is a popular deep learning framework used for building models suitable for different fields such as Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing. At its backend, it uses Keras which is a high level API for building neural networks easily. TensorFlow has gained a lot of popularity in the ML community due to its complete ecosystem made of wholesome tools including TensorBoard, TF Datasets, TensorFlow Lite, TensorFlow Extended, TensorFlow.js, etc...
- Creating a NumPy Array
- Selecting Data: Indexing and Slicing An Array
- Performing Mathematical and other Basic Operations
- Perform Basic Statistics
- Manipulating Data
- Basics of Pandas
- Series and DataFrames
- Data Indexing and Selection
- Dealing with Missing data
- Basic operations and Functions
- Aggregation Methods
- Groupby
- Merging, Joining and Concatenate
- Beyond Dataframes: Working with CSV, and Excel
- Real World Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
- Data Visualization with Matplotlib
- Data Visualization with Seaborn
- Optional: Data Visualization with Pandas
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Intro to Data Preparation
- Handling Categorical Features
- Feature Scaling
- Handling Missing Values
- Intro to Machine Learning
- Machine Learning Workflow
- Evaluation Metrics
- Handling Underfitting and Overfitting
- Intro to Scikit-Learn for Machine Learning
- Linear Models for Regression
- Linear Models for Classification
- Support Vector Machines: Intro and Regression
- Support Vector Machines for Classification
- Decision Trees: Intro and Regression
- Decision Trees for Classification
- Random Forests: Intro and Regression
- Random Forests for Classification
- Beyond Random Forests: More Ensemble Models
- Intro to Unsupervised Learning with KMeans Clustering
- A Practical Intro to Principal Component Analysis
Intro to Articial Neural Networks
Why Deep Learning
A Single Layer Neural Network
Activation Functions
Types of Deep Learning Architectures
- Densely Connected Networks
- Convolutional Neural Networks
- Recurrent Neural Networks
- Transformers
Challenges in Training Deep Neural Networks
Intro to TensorFlow for Artificial Neural Networks
- What is TensorFlow?
- TensorFlow Model APIs
- A Quick Tour into TensorFlow Ecosystem
- Basics of Tensors
Intro to Computer Vision with Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN)
- Intro to Computer Vision and CNNs
- What is Convolutional Neural Networks?
- A Typical Architecture of Convolutional Neural Networks
- Coding ConvNets: Image Classification
- Intro to Computer Vision and CNNs
ConvNets for Real World Data and Image Augmentation
- Intro - Real World Datasets and Data Augmentation
- Getting Started: Real World Datasets and Overfitting
- Image Augmentation with Keras Image Augmentation Layers
CNN Architectures and Transfer Learning
- Looking Back: A Review on State of the Art CNN Architectures
- Intro to Transfer Learning and using Pretrained Models
- Quick Image Classification with Pretrained Models
- Transfer Learning and FineTuning in Practice
- Quick Image Classification and Transfer Learning with TensorFlow Hub
Intro to NLP and Text Processing with TensorFlow
- Intro to Natural Language Processing
- Text Processing with TensorFlow
- Using TextVectorization Layer
Using Word Embeddings to Represent Texts
- Intro to Word Embeddings
- Embedding In Practice
- Using Pretrained Embeddings
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)
- Intro to Recurrent Neural Networks
- Simple RNNs In Practice: Movies Sentiment Analysis
- Intro to Long Short Terms Memories
- LSTMs in Practice : News Classification
Using Convolutional Neural Networks for Texts Classification
- Intro Convolutional Neural Networks for Texts
- CNN for Texts in Practice: News Classification
- Combining ConvNets and RNNs
Using Pretrained BERT for Text Classification
- Intro to BERT
- In Practice: Finetuning a Pretrained BERT
Many of the datasets used for this repository are from the following sources:
Machine Learning community is very vibrant. There are many faboulous learning resources, some of which are paid or free available. Here is a list of courses that has got high community ratings. They are not listed in an order they are to be taken.
Machine Learning by Coursera: This course was tought by Andrew Ng. It is one of the most popular machine learning courses, it has been taken by over 4M of people. The course focuses more about the fundamentals of machine learning techniques and algorithms. It is free on Coursera.
Deep Learning Specialization: Also tought by Andrew Ng., Deep Learning Specialization is also a foundations based course. It teaches a decent foundations of major deep learning architectures such as convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks. The full course can be audited on Coursera, or watch freely on Youtube.
MIT Intro to Deep Learning: This course provide the foundations of deep learning in resonably short period of time. Each lecture is one hour or less, but the materials are still the best in classs. Check the course page here, and lecture videos here.
CS231N: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition by Stanford: CS231N is one of the best deep learning and computer vision courses. The 2017 version was taught by Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson and Serena Yeung. The 2016 version was taught by Fei-Fei, Johnson and Andrej Karpathy. See 2017 lecture videos here, and other materials here.
Practical Deep Learning for Coders by This is also an intensive deep learning course pretty much the whole spectrum of deep learning architectures and techniques. The lecture videos and other resources such as notebooks on the course page.
Full Stack Deep Learning: While the majority of machine learning courses focuses on modelling, this course focuses on shipping machine learning systems. It teaches how to design machine learning projects, data management(storage, access, processing, versioning, and labeling), training, debugging, and deploying machine learning models. See 2021 version here and 2019 here. You can also skim through the project showcases to see the kind of the courses outcomes through learners projects.
NYU Deep Learning Spring 2021: Taught at NYU by Yann LeCun, Alfredo Canziani, this course is one of the most creative courses out there. The materials are presented in amazing way. Check the lecture videos here, and the course repo here.
CS224N: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning by Stanford: If you are interested in Natural Language Processing, this is a great course to take. It is taught by Christopher Manning, one of the world class NLP stars. See the lecture videos here.
Below is of the most awesome machine learning books.
The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book: Authored by Andriy Burkov, this is one of the shortest but concise and well written book that you will ever find on the internet. You can read the book for free here.
Machine Learning Engineering: Also authored by Andriy Burkov, this is another great machine learning book that uncover each step of machine learning workflow, from data collection, model serving and maintenance. The book is also free here.
Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow: Authored by Aurelion Geron, this is one of the best machine learning books. It is clearly written and full of ideas and best practices. You can ge the book here, or see its repository here.
Deep Learning: Authored by 3 deep learning legends, Ian Goodfellow and Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville, this is one of the great deep learning books that is freely available. You can get it here.
Deep Learning with Python: Authored by Francois Chollet, The Keras designer, this is a very comprehensive deep learning book. You can get the book here, and the book repo here.
Dive into Deep Learning: This is also a great deep learning book that is freely available. The book uses both PyTorch and TensorFlow. You can read the entire book here.
Neural Networks and Deep Learning: This is also another great deep learning online book by Michael Nielsen. You can read the entire book here.
If you are interested in more machine learning and deep learning resources, check this, this
This repository was created by Jean de Dieu Nyandwi. You can find him on: