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Karma Police

Karma Police is a Reddit client that allows users to browse posts from a selected subreddit and sort them based on the user's total karma score.

Technologies Used

  • Git version control: Version control system for tracking changes in source code during development.
  • GitHub Pages: Static site hosting service for deploying and showcasing web applications.
  • GitHub Actions: CI/CD platform for automating workflows and tests in software development.
  • Jest: JavaScript testing framework for writing and running tests.
  • Selenium: End-to-end testing library for automating front end testing.
  • React: JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • React Router Dom: Routing library for single-page applications in React.
  • React Redux: Official Redux bindings for React for state management.
  • Styled Components: CSS-in-JS library for styling React components.
  • React Icons: Library of popular icon packs for React applications.
  • Figma: An interface design tool used for wireframing.


  • Fetches and displays posts from a selected subreddit.
  • Sorts posts based on the user's total karma score (ascending or descending).
  • Allows users to "arrest" specific Reddit users, preventing their posts from being displayed.
  • Provides a responsive and intuitive user interface for easy navigation and interaction.
  • Supports dark and light themes for personalized user experience.
  • Mobile view features a clean, compact menu system with animations.

Wireframes & Initial Design

I used Figma to wireframe both the desktop and mobile versions of the app. I later deviated from this a little as I made further decisions during development, such as the colour scheme, fonts, icons and some styling preferences. For example, I found there wasn't enough contrast in the original colour scheme to make the text easy to read and the app accessible.

Figma Wireframes for Karma Police

Future Work

I was keen to avoid scope creep, so kept this project within the brief outlined on Codecademy. However if I were to develop this app further, I'd like to add the following features:

  • Loading animations for cards and their components.
  • Implement subreddit searches.
  • Allow users to add their own Reddit account and fetch subreddits they are subscribed to.
  • Switch to Reddit's official API.
  • Add karma awarding (requires official Reddit API).
  • Add poll voting & post commenting.
  • Store app state in user's session storage.
  • Ensure Reddit videos have sound (requires official Reddit API).

Getting Started

To view Karma Police in your browser, visit:

To run Karma Police on your local machine, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. cd to the root directory
  3. Install the dependencies: npm install
  4. Start the development server: npm start
  5. Open your browser and visit: http://localhost:3000


To run automated tests on your local repo, cd to the root directory and use the following commands:

  • To run the unit/integration test suite: npm test
  • To generate a test coverage report: npm run test-coverage
  • To run end-to-end tests with Selenium: npm run test-end-to-end


This project is licensed under the MIT License.