Chaotic Bi-LSTM and Attention HLCO Predictor Based Quantum Price Level Fuzzy Logic Trading System
Jiahao Li:
Zihao Huang:
Yucheng Guo:
Lirong Lin:
This model is based on some advanced mordern AI technologies to do the trading prediction and connected with the fuzzy logic to make the descision.
This model also contains the version of the model with the chaotic activation function (Lee-Oscillator).
Hyper-parameters Introduction:
Hint: All the hyper-parameters' configurations are placed in the Params.txt file.
- LeeTanhType is the type of the Lee-Oscillator based tanh activation function.
- LeeSigType is the type of the Lee-Oscillator based sigmoid activate function.
- K is the hyper-parameter in the Lee-Oscillator.
- N is the hyper-parameter in the Lee-Oscillator.
Hint: For more details of the Lee-Oscillator, please go through this link: and download the paper of the Dr. Raymond Lee.
- Chaotic is the controller of whether use the Lee-Oscillator to form the chaotic activation function.
- inputSize is the input size for the LSTM unit.
- hiddenSize is the hidden size for the LSTM unit.
- outputSize is the output size for the LSTM unit.
Warning: Please do not change the value of the inputSize and outputSize.
- learningRate is the lr for gradient descent.
- momentum is the momentum for gradient descent.
- weightDecay is the weight decay for the gradient descent.
- AccBound is the accuracy precision.
- trainPercent is the split standard of the total data.
- batchSize is the size of each batch.
- epoches is the number of the training epoches.
- seed is the random seed.
- GPUID is the ID of the gpu.
- modelDir is the directory to store all the models.
- logDir is the directory to store all the training information.
- dataDir is the directory to get the training data.
- prededDir is the directory to store the predicted data.
- predDataDir is the directory to get the predicting data.
Training Tools:
The training tools is build by the JarvisLee in the past, if you are interested into it, please check in the following link: Glad to get your suggestions in the github.
Data Preparation:
Before training the model please copy the FXTrainData.mq4 into the MetaTrader4 software and run the codes to get the training data.
Then copy and paste your data into the directory you set in the Params.txt file.
For prediction, you can generate the data by yourself, and put it in your own directory.
Training Methods:
Warning: Before you train the model please ensure that you have already configured the environments by using the requirements.txt and open the visdom server by following the code into the DOS: python -m visdom.server.
If there are something wrong with open the server, please use the conda environment firstly.
There are two methods to run the model.
- First one: Directly use the vscode to run the file. All the hyper-parameters can be changed in the Params.txt file manually.
- Second one: The training tools have built-in the argparse module. Therefore, you can use the DOS to directly input the hyper-parameters value before training. More details about this please check the following link:
For prediction, please run the And pay attention to the directories you configured in the Params.txt. All the csv file should be put correctly.
Trading Strategy:
The trading strategy is based on Fuzzy Logic.
We designed a Fuzzy Logic with the predicted High and Low values and Quantum Price Levels.
More details please check the sub-routines in the FLStrategy.mq4 file.