Neon Sunset is a personal portfolio website built using Vue.js and Bootstrap CSS library. The website showcases the user's skills, projects, and provides a way for visitors to get in touch via a contact form.
The website is divided into several sections:
Home: This is the landing page of the website, providing a brief introduction and navigation to other sections.
About: This section provides more detailed information about the user, their skills, and experiences.
Resume: This section displays the user's professional experiences, education, and skills in a resume format.
Projects: Here, the user's projects are showcased with descriptions and links to live versions or code repositories.
Contacts: This section contains a contact form that visitors can use to send a message directly to the user's email. The contact form uses PHPMailer for sending emails and environment variables for secure handling of sensitive data. The form also includes client-side validation to ensure all fields are filled out correctly before submission.
The website is designed to be responsive and visually appealing, with a neon-themed design. It uses Vue Router for navigation between different sections, and Vue's Composition API for managing reactive state.