The build currently requires Python 2.x. You can create an environment with Conda as follows:
conda create -y --name neuronbridge -c conda-forge python=2.7 nodejs
conda activate neuronbridge
npm install
Currently you need to manually edit node_modules/react-dev-utils/webpackHotDevClient.js:62 and change "ws" to "wss".
Start dev server:
npm start
Start dev server running against the devpre data:
npm run start:devpre
In order for uploads to work, the default localhost URL cannot be used. Instead, add this to your /etc/hosts:
Then you can access your dev server like this:
See AWS setup for detailed instructions for one-time setup that needs to be completed before the initial deployment.
For initial deployment, make sure the AWS resources have been provisioned:
sls deploy --stage <stage: dev, val, prod>
Deploy the website to AWS:
npm run deploy:<stage: dev, val, prod>
Bucket targets, API endpoints and graphQL endpoints are hard coded into src/config.js. These values can be obtained from your AWS console, after you have deployed the neuronbridge-services backend.