A Python-based scholarly content retrieval system that takes JSON RPC-style requests to search for and retrieve academic papers, prioritizing PDF links, structured text, and metadata.
The SCRS is designed to make it easy to programmatically access scientific information in Python projects. It provides a standardized interface that searches across multiple scholarly databases (Google Scholar via SerpAPI, PubMed/NCBI, arXiv, and OpenAIRE) and returns consistent response objects with PDF links as the primary goal, followed by structured content or available metadata.
- Search academic publications using natural language queries across multiple sources
- Google Scholar (via SerpAPI)
- PubMed/NCBI E-utilities
- arXiv API
- Automatically resolve PDF links using Unpaywall API
- Filter by source, date range, journal, and more
- Prioritize results with available PDF links
- Retrieve detailed document information by ID or DOI
- JSON RPC-style interface for easy integration
- Standardized response format across all sources
- PDF-first result prioritization
- Comprehensive error handling with retry logic
- Rate limiting protection
# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/Jamoxidase/SCRS_OaPDF
# Install dependencies
pip install requests tenacity
The system requires API keys for the services it uses. Set them as environment variables:
# Required for Google Scholar search (via SerpAPI)
export SERP_API_KEY="your_serp_api_key_here"
# Required for PubMed/NCBI E-utilities and Unpaywall
export PUBMED_EMAIL="[email protected]"
# Optional for higher rate limits with PubMed/NCBI
export PUBMED_API_KEY="your_pubmed_api_key_here"
# Optional if different from PUBMED_EMAIL
export UNPAYWALL_EMAIL="[email protected]"
You can obtain these API keys from:
- SerpApi for Google Scholar access
- NCBI for PubMed API key (email is required even without API key)
- No API key is required for arXiv and OpenAIRE
- Unpaywall only requires an email
import os
import json
from scholarly_retrieval import process_scholarly_request
# Set your API keys
os.environ["SERP_API_KEY"] = "your_serp_api_key_here"
os.environ["PUBMED_EMAIL"] = "[email protected]"
os.environ["PUBMED_API_KEY"] = "your_pubmed_api_key_here" # Optional
# Search across multiple sources
search_request = {
"method": "search",
"params": {
"query": "quantum computing",
"sources": ["google_scholar", "arxiv", "pubmed", "openaire"],
"year_from": 2020,
"limit": 5,
"pdf_only": True,
"resolve_pdfs": True # Use Unpaywall to find PDF links
"id": 1
# Process request
result = process_scholarly_request(search_request)
print(json.dumps(result, indent=2))
# Search only in arXiv
arxiv_request = {
"method": "search",
"params": {
"query": "machine learning",
"sources": ["arxiv"],
"limit": 5
"id": 2
arxiv_result = process_scholarly_request(arxiv_request)
print(json.dumps(arxiv_result, indent=2))
# Get document details by DOI with PDF resolution
document_request = {
"method": "get_document",
"params": {
"doi": "10.1038/s41746-019-0191-0", # Example DOI
"resolve_pdf": True
"id": 3
document_result = process_scholarly_request(document_request)
print(json.dumps(document_result, indent=2))
# Get document details by result ID
document_request = {
"method": "get_document",
"params": {
"result_id": "result_id_from_search",
"source": "arxiv" # Helps route to the correct API
"id": 4
document_result = process_scholarly_request(document_request)
print(json.dumps(document_result, indent=2))
All requests follow this format:
"method": "search|get_document",
"params": {
// Method-specific parameters
"id": 1 // Optional request ID
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
query | string | Yes | The search query text |
sources | array | No | List of acceptable sources (default: ["google_scholar", "arxiv", "pubmed", "openaire"]) |
year_from | integer | No | Start year for publication filter |
year_to | integer | No | End year for publication filter |
journal | string | No | Filter by journal name |
limit | integer | No | Number of results (default: 10) |
offset | integer | No | Results offset for pagination (default: 0) |
pdf_only | boolean | No | Return only results with PDF links (default: false) |
full_text_only | boolean | No | Return only results with full text (default: false) |
resolve_pdfs | boolean | No | Attempt to resolve PDF links using Unpaywall (default: true) |
"method": "search",
"params": {
"query": "machine learning",
"sources": ["google_scholar"],
"year_from": 2020,
"year_to": 2023,
"journal": "Nature",
"limit": 10,
"offset": 0,
"pdf_only": true,
"full_text_only": false
"id": 1
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
result_id | string | * | The unique identifier for the result (required if no DOI) |
doi | string | * | DOI of the document (can be used instead of result_id) |
source | string | No | Source name to help route the request (e.g., "arxiv", "pubmed") |
resolve_pdf | boolean | No | Attempt to resolve PDF link using Unpaywall (default: true) |
*Either result_id or doi must be provided
Example with Result ID:
"method": "get_document",
"params": {
"result_id": "abc123defg",
"source": "google_scholar"
"id": 2
Example with DOI:
"method": "get_document",
"params": {
"doi": "10.1038/s41746-019-0191-0"
"id": 3
All responses follow this JSON RPC format:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
// Method-specific result
"id": 1 // Same as request ID
For errors:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"error": {
"code": -32000,
"message": "Error message"
"id": 1 // Same as request ID
"query": "string",
"total_results": integer,
"results": [
"title": "string",
"authors": ["string"],
"publication_date": "string",
"journal": "string",
"snippet": "string",
"doi": "string",
"pdf_available": boolean,
"pdf_url": "string",
"full_text_available": boolean,
"full_text": "string",
"abstract": "string",
"citation_count": integer,
"source": "string",
"source_url": "string",
"result_id": "string"
"pagination": {
"current_page": integer,
"total_pages": integer,
"has_next": boolean,
"has_previous": boolean
"title": "string",
"authors": ["string"],
"publication_date": "string",
"journal": "string",
"abstract": "string",
"doi": "string",
"pdf_available": boolean,
"pdf_url": "string",
"full_text_available": boolean,
"full_text": "string",
"citation_count": integer,
"references": [
"title": "string",
"authors": ["string"],
"publication_date": "string",
"journal": "string"
"source": "string",
"source_url": "string"
Code | Description |
-32600 | Invalid Request |
-32601 | Method not found |
-32602 | Invalid params |
-32603 | Internal error (configuration) |
-32000 | Generic server error |
-32001 | API error (external services) |
-32002 | Resource not found |
-32003 | Rate limit exceeded |
- Multiple scholarly sources:
- Google Scholar (via SerpAPI)
- PubMed/NCBI E-utilities
- arXiv API
- PDF resolution via Unpaywall API
- Flexible filtering options
- Result normalization across all sources
- Rate limiting protection with exponential backoff
- LRU caching for API responses
- Comprehensive error handling
- Add more scholarly sources (CORE, Semantic Scholar, etc.)
- Add persistent caching with Redis or similar
- Implement asynchronous processing for parallel API calls
- Implement citation networks
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.