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About the project

The goal of this project is to deploy a K3s cluster using Ansible, kustomize and ArgoCD Autopilot.

Related repositories

The project consists of multiple repositories, deployment is fully automated, the cluster can be redeployed in minutes as many times as required.

Please check the following repository for more information:

Name Description
k3s-ansible Automated build of k3s cluster with kube-vip and MetalLB or Cilium via ansible.
dev-k3s-lab-autopilot Deploying applications to the clusters with ArgoCD Autopilot.
jz-helm-charts Personal Helm charts for applications deployed to the clusters

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Sensitive data

Sensitive data in this project is encrypted using SOPS - Secrets OPerationS, which integrates with both age and GPG encryption tools.

The implementation utilizes a dual encryption approach where:

  • age (simple, modern encryption tool)
  • GPG (GNU Privacy Guard)

The plugin kSOPS used for Kustomize allows ArgoCD to automatically decrypt secrets when provided with the key.


The command make deploy-all will deploy the ArgoCD Autopilot manifest to the target cluster.

This application will then manage the ArgoCD installation autonomously, so you will have an ArgoCD that is self-managed.

Directory structure

├── /apps [4]
│   ├── /dev
│   ├── /infra
│   └── /prod
├── /bootstrap [2]
├── Makefile [1]
└── /projects [3]
   ├── bootstrap.yaml
   ├── crds.yaml
   ├── dev.yaml
   ├── infra.yaml
   ├── iot.yaml
   ├── media.yaml
   ├── monitoring.yaml
   └── storage.yaml
  • [1] Makefile starts the implementation.
  • [2] /bootstrap
  • [3] /projects contains ApplicationSets for deploying applications.
  • [4] /apps allows controlling the order of application deployment in each ApplicationSet: infra, prod, dev

Progressive Syncs

Progressive Syncs is a feature that allows you to control the order in which the ApplicationSet controller creates or updates applications. This functionality aims to provide greater flexibility and control over the application update process.

ProgressiveSync will create applications and synchronize them in the order specified in the ApplicationSet spec.strategy.rollingSync.steps list. If all generated applications receive an update during the refresh interval, then progressive synchronization will update the application step by step according to the corresponding matching label.

Application Health Management: This feature monitors the health status of managed applications and proceeds to the next stage of the update only when the applications achieve a "Healthy" status. Various resource types are supported, including Deployments, DaemonSets, and StatefulSets.

Update Strategies:

AllAtOnce: The default strategy where all applications are updated simultaneously.

RollingSync: Allows grouping applications by labels and sequentially applying changes to each group, where all applications in a group must be healthy before moving on to the next group.


The presented code is a definition of a resource of type ApplicationSet: infra in ArgoCD, which is a tool for managing applications in Kubernetes using the GitOps approach.

This code defines a comprehensive automation mechanism for managing applications in ArgoCD by utilizing ApplicationSet. It enables dynamic generation of applications from Git repositories and managing them in a declarative manner. By using Go templates and various generators, such as the Git generator, it is easy to customize and extend configurations for different environments and needs.

Below is a detailed description of the individual sections of this code.


    dev-k3s: infra
  name: infra
  namespace: argocd
  • labels: The label dev-k3s: infra allows for categorizing the object in the context of the environment.
  • name: The resource name.
  • namespace: The resource is placed in the argocd namespace.


  goTemplate: true
  goTemplateOptions: ["missingkey=error"]
  • goTemplate: Allows using Go templates to build applications.
  • goTemplateOptions: The option missingkey=error causes missing keys in the template to result in an error, making debugging easier.


- git:
    requeueAfterSeconds: 4
    revision: ""
    - path: apps/infra/**/config.yaml
  • git: A generator based on a Git repository that monitors changes in files.
  • repoURL: The address of the repository from which configuration files will be fetched.
  • requeueAfterSeconds: The time to recheck the repository after 4 seconds.
  • files: The path to the configuration files that will be used for application generation.

Application template

    annotations: '{{ .syncWave }}'
    labels: argocd-autopilot '{{ .appName }}'
      application-role: '{{ .appRole }}'
      syncPriority: '{{ .syncPriority }}'
    name: infra-{{ .userGivenName }}
    namespace: argocd
  • metadata: Defines the metadata for generated applications, such as labels and annotations.
  • sync-wave: Allows control over the order of application synchronization.
  • name: The name of the application dynamically created based on variables.

Application specifications

  project: '{{ .destProject }}'
    path: '{{ .srcPath }}'
    repoURL: '{{ .srcRepoURL }}'
    targetRevision: '{{ .srcTargetRevision }}'
    namespace: '{{ .destNamespace }}'
    server: '{{ .destServer }}'
  • project: The project to which the application belongs.
  • source: The source of the application manifests, specifying the path and repository.
  • destination: Specifies where the application is to be deployed (namespace and server).

Ignoring differences

- group:
  kind: Application
  - /status

Allows to ignore differences in certain fields of Kubernetes objects during synchronization.

Synchronization policy

    selfHeal: true
    prune: true
  • automated: Allows automatic synchronization of applications and removal of outdated resources.

Synchronization strategy

  type: RollingSync
    - matchExpressions: # ----------> stage_crds
      - key: syncPriority
        operator: In
        - stage_crds
      maxUpdate: 100%
    - matchExpressions: # ----------> stage_1
      - key: syncPriority
        operator: In
        - stage_1
      maxUpdate: 100%
    - matchExpressions: # ----------> stage_2
      - key: syncPriority
        operator: In
        - stage_2
      maxUpdate: 100%
    - matchExpressions: # ----------> stage_3
      - key: syncPriority
        operator: In
        - stage_3
      maxUpdate: 100%
    - matchExpressions: # ----------> stage_4
      - key: syncPriority
        operator: In
        - stage_4
      maxUpdate: 100%
    - matchExpressions: # ----------> stage_5
      - key: syncPriority
        operator: In
        - stage_5
      maxUpdate: 100%
    - matchExpressions: # ----------> bump_prod
      - key: syncPriority
        operator: In
        - bump_prod
      maxUpdate: 100%
  • type: RollingSync: Application update strategy that allows for gradual implementation of changes based on synchronization priorities.
  • maxUpdate =100%, It means that all matched applications are updated together as a group.
annotations: ''
appName: external-dns
appRole: infra
destNamespace: external-dns
destProject: "infra"
destServer: https://kubernetes.default.svc
exclude: ""
include: ""
labels: ""
srcPath: apps/infra/external-dns
srcTargetRevision: ""
syncPriority: stage_1
syncWave: 0
userGivenName: external-dns
├── /dev
│   ├── application-set.yaml
│   ├── config-dir.yaml
│   ├── /binance-proxy
│   ├── /home-assistant
│   ├── /intel-nfd
│   ├── /loki
│   ├── /mosquitto
│   ├── /uptime-kuma
│   └── /zigbee2mqtt
├── /infra
│   ├── application-set.yaml
│   ├── /argocd-proxy
│   ├── /authentik
│   ├── /bootstrap-bump
│   ├── /cert-manager
│   ├── /crds-cert-manager
│   ├── /crds-prometheus-stack
│   ├── /crds-traefik
│   ├── /csi-external-snapshotter
│   ├── /external-dns
│   ├── /homepage
│   ├── /kube-prometheus-stack
│   ├── /kustomization.yaml
│   ├── /longhorn
│   ├── /minio
│   ├── /mktxp
│   ├── /portainer-proxy
│   ├── /proxmox-proxy
│   ├── /traefik
│   └── /velero
└── /prod
   ├── application-set.yaml
   ├── kustomization.yaml
   ├── /bootstrap-bump
   ├── /jellyfin
   └── /syncthing

The make deploy-all command is used to bootstrap kubernetes and ArgoCD Autopilot and to deploy all applications.


  make <target>
  kubeconfig          Copy 'kubeconfig'.
  sops                Import a sops AGE and PGP secret keys.
  autopilot           Deploy Argo CD autopilot recovery on Kubernetes cluster.
  password-argocd     Show admin password for ArgoCD.
  password-grafana    Show admin password for Grafana.
  login-argocd        Login to ArgoCD CLI.
  help                Display this help.

Applications and technologies


  • Ansible - Configuring the virtual machines and installing k3s.
  • ArgoCD Autopilot - GitOps tool for deploying applications to the clusters.
  • GitHub Actions - Customized workflow.
  • Kustomize - Declarative Management of Kubernetes Objects Using Kustomize.


  • Grafana - Data visualization platform.
  • Loki - horizontally-scalable, highly-available, multi-tenant log aggregation system.
  • mktxp-exporter - Mikrotik MKTXP Prometheus exporter.
  • Prometheus - Monitoring system.


  • External DNS - external DNS servers with AWS Route53 Cloudflare DNS challenge.
  • kube-vip - load balancer dla płaszczyzny kontrolnej.
  • MetalLB - Bare metal load balancer.
  • Traefik - Ingress controller.
  • Cilium - Cilium is an open source, cloud native solution for providing, securing, and observing network connectivity between workloads, fueled by the revolutionary Kernel technology eBPF.

secrets, security and certificates

  • AGE - is a simple, modern, and secure tool for encrypting files.
  • Authentik - Identity provider. Authenticate to Kubernetes with OIDC on K3s.
  • Cert-Manager - automated deployment and renewal of TLS certificates.
  • KSOPS - Kustomize-SOPS is a flexible Kustomize plugin that enables the decryption of Kubernetes resources encrypted using SOPS.
  • GPG - GNU Privacy Guard.
  • Sops - editor of encrypted files that supports YAML, JSON, ENV, INI and BINARY formats and encrypts with AWS KMS, GCP KMS, Azure Key Vault, age, and PGP.




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