Rudimentary vim 'plugin' for Pallene Development (
This is an experiment for the author, who really has no busines creating any kind of language tooling for vim.
Assumes vim 8 built-in capability...
$ cd ~/.vim/pack/<yournamingscheme>/start
$ git clone
A list of the files and what value they provide.
Scoring system
. no value; need to come back to later
+ some value
++ more value
pallene> tree
├── compiler
│ └── pallene.vim . a modified version of vim-teal; doesn't add value now, maybe I'll fix it after I catch up to vim-team?
├── ftdetect
│ └── pallene.vim + allows vim to recognize Pallene files (extension = ".pln")
├── ftplugin
│ ├── pallene
│ │ └── running.vim + use local leader and 'r' to run a file; if you use '\' as local leader then '\r' will run the file
│ └── pallene.vim ++ allows ':make' to use ./pallenec AND maps output into Quickfix
├── indent
│ └── pallene.vim + basic automatic indenting; much room for improvement (e.g., detect 'end' and auto un-indent)
└── syntax
└── pallene.vim ++ syntax coloring of: keywords, types, strings, comments (with spell check limited to comments)