This repository contains all the data, learning activities and projects that are part of my "Data Science Career Track" Training at Spring Board
- 03 Ideas for Capstone Project 01
- Capstone Project 01 proposal
- JSON based data exercises
- Work on XML based data exercises
- Mode Analytics case study
- Capstone Project 1: Data Wrangling
- Report on Data Science meetup
- Work on your Data Story
- EDA: Human Body Temperature
- EDA: Examine Racial Discrimination
- EDA: Reduce Hospital Readmissions
- Capstone Project 1: Inferential Statistics Report
- Submit your Capstone Milestone Report
- Mini-Project: Informational Interviews
- Linear Regression Mini-Project: Boston Housing
- Logistic Regression: Heights and Weights
- Naive Bayes: Predicting movie ratings from reviews
- Clustering: Customer
- Complete & Submit Capstone Project
- Mini-Project: Find 2-3 job titles
- Mini-Project: Identify 40-50 companies to work for
- Submit 3 ideas for your second Capstone Project
- Mini-Project: Solutions to the PyData recommendation systems tutorial
- Time Series Analysis tutorial from Scipy 2016
- Submit your Capstone project proposal
- Create a data science resume using
- Submit your Capstone Milestone Report
- Mini-Project: Get referrals into your target companies
- Mini-Project: Create a cover letter for one position.
- Mini-project: MapReduce with Spark
- Complete & Submit Capstone Project
- Submit your solution to the Ultimate Inc. data science challenge
- Submit your solution to the KeepUp data science challenge
- Submit your solution to the Relax Inc. data science challenge
- Mini-Project: Create a story toolbox
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