A timetabling problem is a setting with four parameters:
- a finite set of time-slots
- a finite set of resources
- a finite set of meetings
- a finite set of constraints
The aim is to assign time-slots and resources to the meetings so as to satisfy the constraints as much as possible.
Let us consider a set E of exams, to be scheduled during an examination period at the end of the semester, and a set S of students. Each student is enrolled in a subset of exams, at least one. The examination period is divided in tmax ordered time-slots.
By law, conflicting exams (i.e. having enrolled students in common) cannot take place during the same time-slot. Moreover, to incentive universities at creating timetables more sustainable for the students, the Ministry of Education assigns a penalty for each couple of conflicting exams scheduled up to 5 time-slots apart. More precisely, given the number Ne,e' of students enrolled in both conflicting exams e and e', which are scheduled 'i' time-slots apart, the penalty is calculated as 2^(5-i)Ne,e'/|S|.
The Examination Timetabling Problem (ETP) aims at assigning each exam to a specific time-slot ensuring that:
- each exam is scheduled once during the period,
- two conflting exams are not scheduled in the same time-slot.
The objective is to minimize the total penalty resulting from the created timetable.
- during each time-slot there is always a number of available rooms greater than the total number of exams;
- rooms have enough capacity with respect to the number of enrolled students.
instanceXX.exm: defines the total number of students enrolled per exam. Format: 1 line per exam. Each line has the format
where INT1 is the exam ID and INT2 is the number of enrolled students in INT1.
instanceXX.slo: defines the length of the examination period. Format: a single value in the format
where INT is the number of available time-slots tmax. Hence, time-slots will have numeric IDs {1, 2, ..., tmax}.
instanceXX.stu: defines the exams in which each student is enrolled. Format: 1 line for each enrollment. Each line has the format
where INT1 is the student ID and INT2 is the ID of the exam in which student INT1 is enrolled.