Application built with React Native in order to show data from a companies api
- Axios were used for consumption by Api
- Styled-component to work with customizable components
- Typescript as a development language facilitating the definition of types
- React-Navigation for navigation between screens
- Yup for form validation
- Unform to capture and set input values
- Immer helps produce less verbose reducers
- Redux for Global state control
- Redux-Saga for handling asynchronous requests within Redux
Installing dependencies
$ cd enterprise
$ yarn
- You need to have Android Studio installed and configured and your computer to run APP React Native;
- With all dependencies installed and the environment properly configured, you can now run the app;
- With Android Studio running and Emulador open:
- Or emulate on your physical device.
$ yarn android
$ cd ios/
$ pod install
$ cd ../
$ yarn ios