- Montréal
- Pro
connectedhomeip Public
Forked from project-chip/connectedhomeipMatter (formerly Project CHIP) is creating more connections between more objects, simplifying development for manufacturers and increasing compatibility for consumers, guided by the Connectivity St…
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 11, 2022 -
wifi_antena Public
This repo contains the code for a university course on basic RF notions and wifi/bluetooth antennas
Python UpdatedJun 6, 2022 -
SunFounder_PiCar Public
Forked from sunfounder/SunFounder_PiCarPython GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedApr 17, 2022 -
IoT-For-Beginners Public
Forked from microsoft/IoT-For-Beginners12 Weeks, 24 Lessons, IoT for All!
5th semester class on digital filters for signal processing
Python UpdatedOct 19, 2021 -
This is the project me and William Gravel worked on in order to complete a class of our 5th semester in computer engineering
Python UpdatedOct 6, 2021 -
This prototype introduces feedback capabilities through piezo electrics
C++ UpdatedJul 17, 2021 -
alco2bin Public
This is the 4th semester team student project made during engineering training.
JavaScript UpdatedApr 20, 2021 -
Garden_AuTomate_RPi Public
This repo is dedicated to the iterative implementation of my own garden automation system. Feel free to add and comment!
Python UpdatedMay 1, 2020 -
JukeBot Public
This program is used to animate a robot that play songs if you put money in it like a jukebox.
Python UpdatedJan 1, 2020 -
funky_PAD Public
This an interactive biofeedback mat project for standup desks
Python UpdatedAug 18, 2019