- Record lecture dates, topics, number of students, start time, end time, and duration.
- Capture lecturer's signature and Head of Department's signature.
- Organize lecture records by subject.
- Generate PDF reports of lecture records.
- Easy-to-use interface for efficient data entry and management.
- Clone the repository:
- Install the dependencies:
- Start the application:
git clone https://github.com/isuruwebdev/lecture-ease.git
cd lecture-ease
npm install
npm start
- Select the subject for which you want to record lectures.
- Enter the details of each lecture, such as the date, topic, number of students, and timings.
- Capture the lecturer's signature and Head of Department's signature if required.
- View and manage the recorded lectures in the table.
- Generate PDF reports by clicking the "Download PDF" button.
- React.js: Front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- HTML5 and CSS3: Markup and styling of the application.
- JavaScript: Programming language for client-side functionality.
- PDF generation library: Used for generating PDF reports from the recorded data.
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
- Make the necessary changes and commit them.
- Push your branch to your forked repository.
- Submit a pull request with a detailed description of your changes.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
For any inquiries or feedback, please contact the project maintainer:
Email: [email protected]
Feel free to visit the project repository: https://isuruwickramasinghe.github.io/lectureease/